Chapter 10 SQL

The questing beast.

Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte D’Arthur, 1470

Learning objectives

Students completing this chapter will have a detailed knowledge of SQL.

Structured query language

Structured query language (SQL) is widely used as a relational database language, and SQL skills are essential for data management in a world that is increasingly reliant on database technology. SQL originated in the IBM Research Laboratory in San Jose, California. Versions have since been implemented by commercial database vendors and open source teams for a wide range of operating systems. Both the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) have designated SQL as a standard language for relational database systems. Most data management systems have adopted an SQL style language to query data.

SQL is a complete database language. It is used for defining a relational database, creating views, and specifying queries. In addition, it allows for rows to be inserted, updated, and deleted. In database terminology, it is both a data definition language (DDL), a data manipulation language (DML), and a data control language (DCL). SQL, however, is not a complete programming language like Python, R, and Java. Because SQL statements can be embedded into general-purpose programming languages, SQL is often used in conjunction with such languages to create application programs. The embedded SQL statements handle the database processing, and the statements in the general-purpose language perform the necessary tasks to complete the application.

SQL is a declarative language, because you declare the desired results. Languages such as Java are procedural languages, because the programmer specifies each step the computer must execute. The SQL programmer can focus on defining what is required rather than detailing the process to achieve what is required. Thus, SQL programs are much shorter than their procedural equivalents.

You were introduced to SQL in Chapters 3 through 6. This chapter provides an integrated coverage of the language, pulling together the various pieces presented previously.

Data definition

The DDL part of SQL encompasses statements to operate on tables, views, and indexes. Before we proceed, however, the term “base table” must be defined. A base table is an autonomous, named table. It is autonomous because it exists in its own right; it is physically stored within the database. In contrast, a view is not autonomous because it is derived from one or more base tables and does not exist independently. A view is a virtual table. A base table has a name by which it can be referenced. This name is chosen when the base table is generated using the CREATE statement. Short-lived temporary tables, such as those formed as the result of a query, are not named.


The concept of a key occurs several times within SQL. In general, a key is one or more columns identified as such in the description of a table, an index, or a referential constraint. The same column can be part of more than one key. For example, it can be part of a primary key and a foreign key. A composite key is an ordered set of columns of the same table. In other words, the primary key of lineitem is always the composite of (lineno, saleno) in that order, which cannot be changed.

Comparing composite keys actually means that corresponding components of the keys are compared. Thus, application of the referential integrity rule—the value of a foreign key must be equal to a value of the primary key —means that each component of the foreign key must be equal to the corresponding component of the composite primary key.

So far, you have met primary and foreign keys. A unique key is another type of key. Its purpose is to ensure that no two values of a given column are equal. This constraint is enforced by the RDBMS during the execution of INSERT and UPDATE statements. A unique key is part of the index mechanism.


Indexes are used to accelerate data access and ensure uniqueness. An index is an ordered set of pointers to rows of a base table. Think of an index as a table that contains two columns. The first column contains values for the index key, and the second contains a list of addresses of rows in the table. Since the values in the first column are ordered (i.e., in ascending or descending sequence), the index table can be searched quickly. Once the required key has been found in the table, the row’s address in the second column can be used to retrieve the data quickly. An index can be specified as being unique, in which case the RDBMS ensures that the corresponding table does not have rows with identical index keys.

An example of an index


A short primer on notation is required before we examine SQL commands.

  1. Text in uppercase is required as is.

  2. Text in lowercase denotes values to be selected by the query writer.

  3. Statements enclosed within square brackets are optional.

  4. | indicates a choice.

  5. An ellipsis ... indicates that the immediate syntactic unit may be repeated optionally more than once.

Creating a table

CREATE TABLE is used to define a new base table, either interactively or by embedding the statement in a host language. The statement specifies a table’s name, provides details of its columns, and provides integrity checks. The syntax of the command is

CREATE TABLE base-table

Column definition

The column definition block defines the columns in a table. Each column definition consists of a column name, data type, and optionally the specification that the column cannot contain null values. The general form is

(column-definition [, ...])

where column-definition is of the form

column-name data-type [NOT NULL]

The NOT NULL clause specifies that the particular column must have a value whenever a new row is inserted.


A constraint is a rule defined as part of CREATE TABLE that defines valid sets of values for a base table by placing limits on INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations. Constraints can be named (e.g., fk_stock_nation) so that they can be turned on or off and modified. The four constraint variations apply to primary key, foreign key, unique values, and range checks.

Primary key constraint

The primary key constraint block specifies a set of columns that constitute the primary key. Once a primary key is defined, the system enforces its uniqueness by checking that the primary key of any new row does not already exist in the table. A table can have only one primary key. While it is not mandatory to define a primary key, it is good practice always to define a table’s primary key, though it is not that common to name the constraint. The general form of the constraint is

[primary-key-name] PRIMARY KEY(column-name [asc|desc] [, ...])

The optional ASC or DESC clause specifies whether the values from this key are arranged in ascending or descending order, respectively.

For example:

pk_stock PRIMARY KEY(stkcode)

Foreign key constraint

The referential constraint block defines a foreign key, which consists of one or more columns in the table that together must match a primary key of the specified table (or else be null). A foreign key value is null when any one of the columns in the row constituting the foreign key is null. Once the foreign key constraint is defined, the RDBMS will check every insert and update to ensure that the constraint is observed. The general form is

CONSTRAINT constraint-name FOREIGN KEY(column-name [,…])
    REFERENCES table-name(column-name [,…])

The constraint-name defines a referential constraint. You cannot use the same constraint-name more than once in the same table. Column-name identifies the column or columns that comprise the foreign key. The data type and length of foreign key columns must match exactly the data type and length of the primary key columns. The clause REFERENCES table-name specifies the name of an existing table, and its primary key, that contains the primary key, which cannot be the name of the table being created.

The ON DELETE clause defines the action taken when a row is deleted from the table containing the primary key. There are three options:

  1. RESTRICT prevents deletion of the primary key row until all corresponding rows in the related table, the one containing the foreign key, have been deleted. RESTRICT is the default and the cautious approach for preserving data integrity.

  2. CASCADE causes all the corresponding rows in the related table also to be deleted.

  3. SET NULLS sets the foreign key to null for all corresponding rows in the related table.

For example:

CONSTRAINT fk_stock_nation FOREIGN KEY(natcode)
    REFERENCES nation(natcode)

Unique constraint

A unique constraint creates a unique index for the specified column or columns. A unique key is constrained so that no two of its values are equal. Columns appearing in a unique constraint must be defined as NOT NULL. Also, these columns should not be the same as those of the table’s primary key, which is guaranteed uniqueness by its primary key definition. The constraint is enforced by the RDBMS during execution of INSERT and UPDATE statements. The general format is

UNIQUE constraint-name (column-name [ASC|DESC] [, …])

An example follows:

CONSTRAINT unq_stock_stkname UNIQUE(stkname)

Check constraint

A check constraint defines a set of valid values and can be set for a table or column.

Table constraints are defined in CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements. They can be set for one or more columns in a table. A table constraint, for example, might ensure that the selling prices is greater than the cost.

  costPrice DECIMAL(9,2),
    sellPrice DECIMAL(9,2),
    CONSTRAINT profit_check CHECK (sellPrice > costPrice));

A column constraint is defined in a CREATE TABLE statement for a single column. In the following case, category is restricted to three values.

  category CHAR(1) CONSTRAINT category_constraint
    CHECK (category IN ('B', 'L', 'S')));

Data types

Some of the variety of data types that can be used are depicted in the following figure and described in more detail in the following pages.

Data types


Boolean data types can have the values true, false, or unknown.


Most commercial computers have a 32-bit word, where a word is a unit of storage. An integer can be stored in a full word or half a word. If it is stored in a full word (INTEGER), then it can be 31 binary digits in length. If half-word storage is used (SMALLINT), then it can be 15 binary digits long. In each case, one bit is used for the sign of the number. A column defined as INTEGER can store a number in the range -231 to 231-1 or -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. A column defined as SMALLINT can store a number in the range -215 to 215-1 or -32,768 to 32,767. Just remember that INTEGER is good for ±2 billion and SMALLINT for ±32,000.


Scientists often deal with numbers that are very large (e.g., Avogadro’s number is 6.02252×1023) or very small (e.g., Planck’s constant is 6.6262×10-34 joule sec). The FLOAT data type is used for storing such numbers, often referred to as floating-point numbers. A single-precision floating-point number requires 32 bits and can represent numbers in the range -7.2×1075 to -5.4×10-79, 0, 5.4×10-79 to 7.2×1075 with a precision of about 7 decimal digits. A double-precision floating-point number requires 64 bits. The range is the same as for a single-precision floating-point number. The extra 32 bits are used to increase precision to about 15 decimal digits.

In the specification FLOAT(n), if n is between 1 and 21 inclusive, single-precision floating-point is selected. If n is between 22 and 53 inclusive, the storage format is double-precision floating-point. If n is not specified, double-precision floating-point is assumed.


Binary is the most convenient form of storing data from a computer’s perspective. People, however, work with a decimal number system. The DECIMAL data type is convenient for business applications because data storage requirements are defined in terms of the maximum number of places to the left and right of the decimal point. To store the current value of an ounce of gold, you would possibly use DECIMAL(6,2) because this would permit a maximum value of $9,999.99. Notice that the general form is DECIMAL(p,q), where p is the total number of digits in the column, and q is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.


Nonnumeric columns are stored as character strings. A person’s family name is an example of a column that is stored as a character string. CHAR(n) defines a column that has a fixed length of n characters, where n can be a maximum of 255.

When a column’s length can vary greatly, it makes sense to define the field as VARCHAR. A column defined as VARCHAR consists of two parts: a header indicating the length of the character string and the string. If a table contains a column that occasionally stores a long string of text (e.g., a message field), then defining it as VARCHAR makes sense. VARCHAR can store strings up to 65,535 characters long.

Why not store all character columns as VARCHAR and save space? There is a price for using VARCHAR with some relational systems. First, additional space is required for the header to indicate the length of the string. Second, additional processing time is required to handle a variable-length string compared to a fixed-length string. Depending on the RDBMS and processor speed, these might be important considerations, and some systems will automatically make an appropriate choice. For example, if you use both data types in the same table, MySQL will automatically change CHAR into VARCHAR for compatibility reasons.

There are some columns where there is no trade-off because all possible entries are always the same length. Canadian postal codes, for instance, are always six characters (e.g., the postal code for Ottawa is K1A0A1).

Data compression is another approach to the space wars problem. A database can be defined with generous allowances for fixed-length character columns so that few values are truncated. Data compression can be used to compress the file to remove wasted space. Data compression, however, is slow and will increase the time to process queries. You save space at the cost of time, and save time at the cost of space. When dealing with character fields, the database designer has to decide whether time or space is more important.

Times and dates

Columns that have a data type of DATE are stored as yyyymmdd (e.g., 2022-11-04 for November 4, 2022). There are two reasons for this format. First, it is convenient for sorting in chronological order. The common American way of writing dates (mmddyy) requires processing before chronological sorting. Second, the full form of the year should be recorded for exactness.

For similar reasons, it makes sense to store times in the form hhmmss with the understanding that this is 24-hour time (also known as European time and military time). This is the format used for data type TIME.

Some applications require precise recording of events. For example, transaction processing systems typically record the time a transaction was processed by the system. Because computers operate at high speed, the TIMESTAMP data type records date and time with microsecond accuracy. A timestamp has seven parts: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and microsecond. Date and time are defined as previously described (i.e., yyyymmdd and hhmmss, respectively). The range of the microsecond part is 000000 to 999999.

Although times and dates are stored in a particular format, the formatting facilities that generally come with a RDBMS usually allow tailoring of time and date output to suit local standards. Thus for a U.S. firm, date might appear on a report in the form mm/dd/yy; for a European firm following the ISO standard, date would appear as yyyy-mm-dd.

SQL-99 introduced the INTERVAL data type, which is a single value expressed in some unit or units of time (e.g., 6 years, 5 days, 7 hours).

BLOB (binary large object)

BLOB is a large-object data type that stores any kind of binary data. Binary data typically consists of a saved spreadsheet, graph, audio file, satellite image, voice pattern, or any digitized data. The BLOB data type has no maximum size.

CLOB (character large object)

CLOB is a large-object data type that stores any kind of character data. Text data typically consists of reports, correspondence, chapters of a manual, or contracts. The CLOB data type has no maximum size.

Skill builder

What data types would you recommend for the following?

  1. A book’s ISBN

  2. A photo of a product

  3. The speed of light (2.9979 × 108 meters per second)

  4. A short description of an animal’s habitat

  5. The title of a Japanese book

  6. A legal contract

  7. The status of an electrical switch

  8. The date and time a reservation was made

  9. An item’s value in euros

  10. The number of children in a family

Collation sequence

A RDBMS will typically support many character sets. so it can handle text in different languages. While many European languages are based on an alphabet, they do not all use the same alphabet. For example, Norwegian has some additional characters (e.g., æ ,ø, å) compared to English, and French accents some letters (e.g., é, ü, and ȃ), which do not occur in English. Alphabet based languages have a collating sequence, which defines how to sort individual characters in a particular language. For English, it is the familiar A B C … X Y Z. Norwegian’s collating sequence includes three additional symbols, and the sequence is A B C … X Y Z Æ Ø Å. When you define a database you need to define its collating sequence. Thus, a database being set up for exclusive use in Chile would opt for a Spanish collating sequence. You can specify a collation sequence at the database, table, and, column level. The usual practice is to specify at the database level.

CREATE DATABASE ClassicModels COLLATE latin1_general_cs;

The latin1_general character set is suitable for Western European languages. The cs suffix indicates that comparisons are case sensitive. In other words, a query will see the two strings ‘abc’ and ‘Abc’ as different, whereas if case sensitivity is turned off, the strings are considered identical. Case sensitivity is usually the right choice to ensure precision of querying.

Scalar functions

Most implementations of SQL include functions that can be used in arithmetic expressions, and for data conversion or data extraction. The following sampling of these functions will give you an idea of what is available. You will need to consult the documentation for your version of SQL to determine the functions it supports. For example, Microsoft SQL Server has more than 100 additional functions.

Some examples of SQL’s built-in scalar functions

Function Description
CURRENT_DATE() Retrieves the current date
EXTRACT(date_time_part FROM expression) Retrieves part of a time or date (e.g., YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, or SECOND)
SUBSTRING(str, pos, len) Retrieves a string of length len starting at position pos from string str

Some examples for you to run

SELECT SUBSTRING(`person first`, 1,1), `person last` FROM person;

A vendor’s additional functions can be very useful. Remember, though, that use of a vendor’s extensions might limit portability.

How many days’ sales are stored in the sale table?

This sounds like a simple query, but you have to do a self-join and also know that there is a function, DATEDIFF, to determine the number of days between any two dates. Consult your RDBMS manual to learn about other functions for dealing with dates and times.

late AS (SELECT * FROM sale),
early AS (SELECT * FROM sale)
SELECT DISTINCT DATEDIFF(late.saledate,early.saledate) AS Difference
    FROM late JOIN early
        ON late.saledate =
            (SELECT MAX(saledate) FROM sale)
        AND early.saledate =
            (SELECT MIN(saledate) FROM sale);

The preceding query is based on the idea of joining sale with a copy of itself. The matching column from late is the latest sale’s date (or MAX), and the matching column from early is the earliest sale’s date (or MIN). As a result of the join, each row of the new table has both the earliest and latest dates.


You will likely have noticed that some queries report numeric values with a varying number of decimal places. The FORMAT function gives you control over the number of decimal places reported, as illustrated in the following example where yield is reported with two decimal places.

SELECT shrfirm, shrprice, shrqty, FORMAT(shrdiv/shrprice*100,2)
  AS yield
    FROM share;

When you use format you create a string, but you often want to sort on the numeric value of the formatted field. The following example illustrates how to do this.

SELECT shrfirm, shrprice, shrqty, FORMAT(shrdiv/shrprice*100,2)
  AS yield FROM share
      ORDER BY shrdiv/shrprice*100 DESC;

Run the following code to see the difference.

SELECT shrfirm, shrprice, shrqty, FORMAT(shrdiv/shrprice*100,2)
  AS yield FROM share
      ORDER BY yield DESC;

Table commands

Altering a table

The ALTER TABLE statement has two purposes. First, it can add a single column to an existing table. Second, it can add, drop, activate, or deactivate primary and foreign key constraints. A base table can be altered by adding one new column, which appears to the right of existing columns. The format of the command is

ALTER TABLE base-table ADD column data-type;

Notice that there is no optional NOT NULL clause for column-definition with ALTER TABLE. It is not allowed because the ALTER TABLE statement automatically fills the additional column with null in every case. If you want to add multiple columns, you repeat the command. ALTER TABLE does not permit changing the width of a column or amending a column’s data type. It can be used for deleting an unwanted column.

ALTER TABLE stock ADD stkrating CHAR(3);

ALTER TABLE is also used to change the status of referential constraints. You can deactivate constraints on a table’s primary key or any of its foreign keys. Deactivation also makes the relevant tables unavailable to everyone except the table’s owner or someone possessing database management authority. After the data are loaded, referential constraints must be reactivated before they can be automatically enforced again. Activating the constraints enables the RDBMS to validate the references in the data.

Dropping a table

A base table can be deleted at any time by using the DROP statement. The format is

DROP TABLE base-table;

The table is deleted, and any views or indexes defined on the table are also deleted.

Creating a view

A view is a virtual table. It has no physical counterpart but appears to the client as if it really exists. A view is defined in terms of other tables that exist in the database. The syntax is

CREATE VIEW view [column [,column] …)]
    AS subquery;

There are several reasons for creating a view. First, a view can be used to restrict access to certain rows or columns. This is particularly important for sensitive data. An organization’s person table can contain both private data (e.g., annual salary) and public data (e.g., office phone number). A view consisting of public data (e.g., person’s name, department, and office telephone number) might be provided to many people. Access to all columns in the table, however, might be confined to a small number of people. Here is a sample view that restricts access to a table.

    AS SELECT stkfirm, stkprice FROM stock;

Handling derived data is a second reason for creating a view. A column that can be computed from one or more other columns should always be defined by a view. Thus, a stock’s yield would be computed by a view rather than defined as a column in a base table.

    (stkfirm, stkprice, stkqty, stkyield)
    AS SELECT stkfirm, stkprice, stkqty, stkdiv/stkprice*100
        FROM stock;

A third reason for defining a view is to avoid writing common SQL queries. For example, there may be some joins that are frequently part of an SQL query. Productivity can be increased by defining these joins as views. Here is an example:

CREATE VIEW stkvalue
    (nation, firm, price, qty, value)
    AS SELECT natname, stkfirm, stkprice*exchrate, stkqty,
        stkprice*exchrate*stkqty FROM stock JOIN nation
            ON stock.natcode = nation.natcode;

The preceding example demonstrates how CREATE VIEW can be used to rename columns, create new columns, and involve more than one table. The column nation corresponds to natname, firm to stkfirm, and so forth. A new column, price, is created that converts all share prices from the local currency to British pounds.

Data conversion is a fourth useful reason for a view. The United States is one of the few countries that does not use the metric system, and reports for American managers often display weights and measures in pounds and feet, respectively. The database of an international company could record all measurements in metric format (e.g., weight in kilograms) and use a view to convert these measures for American reports.

When a CREATE VIEW statement is executed, the definition of the view is entered in the systems catalog. The subquery following AS, the view definition, is executed only when the view is referenced in an SQL command. For example, the following command would enable the subquery to be executed and the view created:

SELECT * FROM stkvalue WHERE price > 10;
SELECT natname, stkfirm, stkprice*exchrate, stkqty, stkprice*exchrate*stkqty
    FROM stock JOIN nation
        ON stock.natcode = nation.natcode
        WHERE stkprice*exchrate > 10;

Any table that can be defined with a SELECT statement is a potential view. Thus, it is possible to have a view that is defined by another view.

Dropping a view

DROP VIEW is used to delete a view from the system catalog. A view might be dropped because it needs to be redefined or is no longer used. It must be dropped before a revised version of the view is created. The syntax is


Remember, if a base table is dropped, all views based on that table are also dropped.

Creating an index

An index helps speed up retrieval (a more detailed discussion of indexing is covered later in this book). A column that is frequently referred to in a WHERE clause is a possible candidate for indexing. For example, if data on stocks were frequently retrieved using stkfirm, then this column should be considered for an index. The format for CREATE INDEX is

    ON base-table (column [order] [,column, [order]] …)

This next example illustrates use of CREATE INDEX.

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX stkfirmindx ON stock(stkfirm);

In the preceding example, an index called stkfirmindx is created for the table stock. Index entries are ordered by ascending (the default order) values of stkfirm. The optional clause UNIQUE specifies that no two rows in the base table can have the same value for stkfirm, the indexed column. Specifying UNIQUE means that the RDBMS will reject any insert or update operation that would create a duplicate value for stkfirm.

A composite index can be created from several columns, which is often necessary for an associative entity. The following example illustrates the creation of a composite index.

CREATE INDEX lineitemindx ON lineitem (lineno, saleno);

Dropping an index

Indexes can be dropped at any time by using the DROP INDEX statement. The general form of this statement is


Data manipulation

SQL supports four DML statements—SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. Each of these is discussed in turn, with most attention focusing on SELECT because of the variety of ways in which it can be used. First, we need to understand why we must qualify column names and temporary names.

Qualifying column names

Ambiguous references to column names are avoided by qualifying a column name with its table name, especially when the same column name is used in several tables. Clarity is maintained by prefixing the column name with the table name. The following example demonstrates qualification of the natcode, which appears in both stock and nation.

SELECT stkfirm, stkprice FROM stock JOIN nation
    ON stock.natcode = nation.natcode;

Temporary names

Using the WITH clause, a table or view can be given a temporary name, or alias, that remains current for a query. Temporary names are used in a self-join to distinguish the copies of the table.

wrk AS (SELECT * FROM emp),
boss AS (SELECT * FROM emp)
SELECT wrk.empfname
    FROM wrk JOIN boss
        ON wrk.bossno = boss.empno;

A temporary name also can be used as a shortened form of a long table name. For example, l might be used merely to avoid having to enter lineitem more than once. If a temporary name is specified for a table or view, any qualified reference to a column of the table or view must also use that temporary name.


The SELECT statement is by far the most interesting and challenging of the four DML statements. It reveals a major benefit of the relational model: powerful interrogation capabilities. It is challenging because mastering the power of SELECT requires considerable practice with a wide range of queries. The major varieties of SELECT are presented in this section. The SQL Playbook, on the book’s website, reveals the full power of the command.

The general format of SELECT is

SELECT [DISTINCT] item(s) FROM table(s)
    [WHERE condition]
    [GROUP BY column(s)] [HAVING condition]
    [ORDER BY column(s)];

Alternatively, we can diagram the structure of SELECT.

Structure of SELECT


Product, or more strictly Cartesian product, is a fundamental operation of relational algebra. It is rarely used by itself in a query; however, understanding its effect helps in comprehending join. The product of two tables is a new table consisting of all rows of the first table concatenated with all possible rows of the second table. For example:

Form the product of stock and nation.

SELECT * FROM stock, nation;

Run the query and observe that the new table contains 64 rows (16*4), where stock has 16 rows and nation has 4 rows. It has 10 columns (7 + 3), where stock has 7 columns and nation has 3 columns. Note that each row in stock is concatenated with each row in nation.

Find the percentage of Australian stocks in the portfolio.

To answer this query, you need to count the number of Australian stocks, count the total number of stocks in the portfolio, and then compute the percentage. Computing each of the totals is a straightforward application of COUNT. If we save the results of the two counts as views, then we have the necessary data to compute the percentage. The two views each consist of a single-cell table (i.e., one row and one column). We create the product of these two views to get the data needed for computing the percentage in one row. The SQL is

CREATE VIEW austotal (auscount) AS
  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nation JOIN stock
     ON natname = 'Australia'
     WHERE nation.natcode = stock.natcode;
CREATE VIEW total (totalcount) AS
SELECT auscount/totalcount*100
  AS percentage FROM austotal, total;
CREATE VIEW total (totalcount) AS
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stock;
SELECT auscount*100/totalcount as Percentage
    FROM austotal, total;

The result of a COUNT is always an integer, and SQL will typically create an integer data type in which to store the results. When two variables have a data type of integer, SQL will likely use integer arithmetic for all computations, and all results will be integer. To get around the issue of integer arithmetic, we first multiply the number of Australian stocks by 100 before dividing by the total number of stocks. Because of integer arithmetic, you might get a different answer if you use the following SQL.

SELECT auscount/totalcount*100 as Percentage
    FROM austotal, total;

The preceding example was used to show when you might find product useful. You can also write the query as

SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stock WHERE natcode = 'AUS')*100/
    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stock) as Percentage;

Inner join

Inner join, often referred to as join, is a powerful and frequently used operation. It creates a new table from two existing tables by matching on a column common to both tables. An equijoin is the simplest form of join; in this case, columns are matched on equality.

SELECT * FROM stock JOIN nation
    ON stock.natcode = nation.natcode;

There are other ways of expressing join that are more concise. For example, we can write

SELECT * FROM stock INNER JOIN nation USING (natcode);

The preceding syntax implicitly recognizes the frequent use of the same column name for matching primary and foreign keys.

A further simplification is to rely on the primary and foreign key definitions to determine the join condition, so we can write


An equijoin creates a new table that contains two identical columns. If one of these is dropped, then the remaining table is called a natural join.

Theta join

As you now realize, join can be thought of as a product with a condition clause. There is no reason why this condition needs to be restricted to equality. There could easily be another comparison operator between the two columns. This general version is called a theta-join because theta is a variable that can take any value from the set ‘=’, ‘<’, ‘<=’, ‘>’, and ‘>=’.

As you discovered earlier, there are occasions when you need to join a table to itself. To do this, make two copies of the table and give each of them a unique name.

Find the names of employees who earn more than their boss.

WITH wrk AS (SELECT * FROM emp),
     boss AS (SELECT * FROM emp)
SELECT wrk.empfname AS Worker, wrk.empsalary AS Salary, 
  boss.empfname AS Boss, boss.empsalary AS Salary
FROM wrk JOIN boss
    ON wrk.bossno = boss.empno
    WHERE wrk.empsalary > boss.empsalary;
Table 10.1: 1 records
Worker Salary Boss Salary
Sarah 56000 Brier 43000

Outer join

An inner join reports those rows where the primary and foreign keys match. There are also situations where you might want an outer join, which comes in three flavors as shown in the following figure.

Types of joins

A traditional join, more formally known as an inner join, reports those rows where the primary and foreign keys match. An outer join reports these matching rows and other rows depending on which form is used, as the following examples illustrate for the sample table.

t1 t2
id col1 id col2
1 a 1 x
2 b 3 y
3 c 5 z

A left outer join is an inner join plus those rows from t1 not included in the inner join.

SELECT id, col1, col2 FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 USING (id)
id col1 col2
1 a x
2 b null
3 c y

Here is an example to illustrate the use of a left join.

For all brown items, report each sale. Include in the report those brown items that have appeared in no sales.

SELECT itemname, saleno, lineqty FROM item
    LEFT JOIN lineitem USING (itemno)
        WHERE itemcolor = 'Brown'
        ORDER BY itemname;

A right outer join is an inner join plus those rows from t2 not included in the inner join.

SELECT id, col1, col2 FROM t1 RIGHT JOIN t2 USING (id);
Id col1 col2
1 a x
3 c y
5 null z

A full outer join is an inner join plus those rows from t1 and t2 not included in the inner join.

SELECT id, col1, col2 FROM t1 FULL JOIN t2 USING (id);
id col1 col2
1 a x
2 b null
3 c y
5 null z

MySQL does not support a full outer join, rather you must use a union of left and right outer joins.

SELECT id, col1, col2 FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 USING (id)
SELECT id, col1, col2 FROM t1 RIGHT JOIN t2 USING (id);

Simple subquery

A subquery is a query within a query. There is a SELECT statement nested inside another SELECT statement. Simple subqueries were used extensively in earlier chapters. For reference, here is a simple subquery used earlier:

SELECT stkfirm FROM stock
    WHERE natcode IN
        (SELECT natcode FROM nation
            WHERE natname = 'Australia');

Correlated subquery

A correlated subquery differs from a simple subquery in that the inner query must be evaluated more than once. Consider the following example described previously:

Find those stocks where the quantity is greater than the average for that country.

SELECT natname, stkfirm, stkqty FROM stock JOIN nation
ON stock.natcode = nation.natcode
WHERE stkqty >
    (SELECT AVG(stkqty) FROM stock
        WHERE stock.natcode = nation.natcode);

The requirement to compare a column against a function (e.g., average or count) of some column of specified rows of is usually a clue that you need to write a correlated subquery. In the preceding example, the stock quantity for each row is compared with the average stock quantity for that row’s country.

Aggregate functions

SQL’s aggregate functions increase its retrieval power. These functions were covered earlier and are only mentioned briefly here for completeness. The five aggregate functions are shown in the following table. Nulls in the column are ignored in the case of SUM, AVG, MAX, and MIN. COUNT(*) does not distinguish between null and non-null values in a column. Use COUNT(columnname) to exclude a null value in columnname.

Aggregate functions

Function Description
COUNT Counts the number of values in a column
SUM Sums the values in a column
AVG Determines the average of the values in a column
MAX Determines the largest value in a column
MIN Determines the smallest value in a column


The GROUP BY clause is an elementary form of control break reporting and supports grouping of rows that have the same value for a specified column and produces one row for each different value of the grouping column. For example,

Report by nation the total value of stockholdings.

SELECT natname, SUM(stkprice*stkqty*exchrate) AS total
    FROM stock JOIN nation ON stock.natcode = nation.natcode
        GROUP BY natname;

The HAVING clause is often associated with GROUP BY. It can be thought of as the WHERE clause of GROUP BY because it is used to eliminate rows for a GROUP BY condition. Both GROUP BY and HAVING are dealt with in-depth in Chapter 4.


The REGEXP clause supports pattern matching to find a defined set of strings in a character column (CHAR or VARCHAR). Refer to Chapters 3 and 4 for more details.

10.0.1 CASE

The CASE statement is used to implement a series of conditional clauses. In the following query, the first step creates a temporary table that records customers and their total orders. The second step classifies customers into four categories based on their total orders.

WITH temp AS
  (SELECT customerName, COUNT(*) AS orderCount
    FROM Orders JOIN Customers
      ON Customers.customerNumber = Orders.customerNumber
      GROUP BY customerName)
SELECT customerName, orderCount,
    CASE orderCount
      WHEN 1 THEN 'One-time Customer'
      WHEN 2 THEN 'Repeated Customer'
      WHEN 3 THEN 'Frequent Customer'
      ELSE 'Loyal Customer'
    end customerType
    FROM temp
ORDER BY customerName;


There are two formats for INSERT. The first format is used to insert one row into a table.

Inserting a single record

The general form is

INSERT INTO table [(column [,column] …)]
    VALUES (literal [,literal] …);

For example,

    VALUES ('FC','Freedonia Copper',27.5,10529,1.84,16);

In this example, stkcode is given the value “FC,” stkfirm is “Freedonia Copper,” and so on. The nth column in the table is the nth value in the list.

When the value list refers to all field names in the left-to-right order in which they appear in the table, then the columns list can be omitted. So, it is possible to write the following:

    VALUES ('FC','Freedonia Copper',27.5,10529,1.84,16);

If some values are unknown, then the INSERT can omit these from the list. Undefined columns will have nulls. For example, if a new stock is to be added for which the PE ratio is 5, the following INSERT statement would be used:

    (stkcode, stkfirm, stkPE)
    VALUES ('EE','Elysian Emeralds',5);

Inserting multiple records using a query

The second form of INSERT operates in conjunction with a subquery. The resulting rows are then inserted into a table. Imagine the situation where stock price information is downloaded from an information service into a table. This table could contain information about all stocks and may contain additional columns that are not required for the stock table. The following INSERT statement could be used:

    (stkcode, stkfirm, stkprice, stkdiv, stkpe)
    SELECT code, firm, price, div, pe
    FROM download WHERE code IN

Think of INSERT with a subquery as a way of copying a table. You can select the rows and columns of a particular table that you want to copy into an existing or new table.


The UPDATE command is used to modify values in a table. The general format is

UPDATE table
    SET column = scalar expression
        [, column = scalar expression] …
    [WHERE condition];

Permissible scalar expressions involve columns, scalar functions (see the section on scalar functions in this chapter), or constants. No aggregate functions are allowable.

Updating a single row

UPDATE can be used to modify a single row in a table. Suppose you need to revise your data after 200,000 shares of Minnesota Gold are sold. You would code the following:

UPDATE stock
    SET stkqty = stkqty - 200000
    WHERE stkcode = 'MG';

Updating multiple rows

Multiple rows in a table can be updated as well. Imagine the situation where several stocks change their dividend to £2.50. Then the following statement could be used:

UPDATE stock
    SET stkdiv = 2.50
    WHERE stkcode IN ('FC','BS','NG');

Updating all rows

All rows in a table can be updated by simply omitting the WHERE clause. To give everyone a 5 percent raise, use

    SET empsalary = empsalary*1.05;

Updating with a subquery

A subquery can also be used to specify which rows should be changed. Consider the following example. The employees in the departments on the fourth floor have won a productivity improvement bonus of 10 percent. The following SQL statement would update their salaries:

    SET empsalary = empsalary*1.10
    WHERE deptname IN
        (SELECT deptname FROM dept WHERE deptfloor = 4);


The DELETE statement erases one or more rows in a table. The general format is

    [WHERE condition];

Delete a single record

If all stocks with stkcode equal to “BE” were sold, then this row can be deleted using

DELETE FROM stock WHERE stkcode = 'BE';

Delete multiple records

If all Australian stocks were liquidated, then the following command would delete all the relevant rows:

    WHERE natcode in
    (SELECT natcode FROM nation WHERE natname = 'Australia');

Delete all records

All records in a table can be deleted by omitting the WHERE clause. The following statement would delete all rows if the entire portfolio were sold:


This command is not the same as DROP TABLE because, although the table is empty, it still exists.

Delete with a subquery

Despite their sterling efforts in the recent productivity drive, all the employees on the fourth floor have been fired (the rumor is that they were fiddling the tea money). Their records can be deleted using

    WHERE deptname IN
        (SELECT deptname FROM dept WHERE deptfloor = 4);

SQL routines

SQL provides two types of routines—functions and procedures—that are created, altered, and dropped using standard SQL. Routines add flexibility, improve programmer productivity, and facilitate the enforcement of business rules and standard operating procedures across applications.

SQL function

A function is SQL code that returns a value when invoked within an SQL statement. It is used in a similar fashion to SQL’s built-in functions. Consider the case of an Austrian firm with a database in which all measurements are in SI units (e.g., meters). Because its U.S. staff is not familiar with SI,22 it decides to implement a series of user-defined functions to handle the conversion. Here is the function for converting from kilometers to miles. Note that MySQL requires that you include the word DETERMINISTIC for a function that always produces the same result for the same input parameters.

CREATE FUNCTION km_to_miles(km REAL)
    RETURN 0.6213712*km;

The preceding function can be used within any SQL statement to make the conversion. For example:

SELECT km_to_miles(100);

Skill builder

Create a table containing the average daily temperature in Tromsø, Norway, then write a function to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit (F = C*1.8 + 32), and test the function by reporting temperatures in C and F.

The temperatures in month order: -4.7, -4.1, -1.9, 1.1, 5.6, 10.1, 12.7, 11.8, 7.7, 2.9, -1.5, -3.7

SQL procedure

A procedure is SQL code that is dynamically loaded and executed by a CALL statement, usually within a database application. We use an accounting system to demonstrate the features of a stored procedure, in which a single accounting transaction results in two entries (one debit and one credit). In other words, a transaction has multiple entries, but an entry is related to only one transaction. An account (e.g., your bank account) has multiple entries, but an entry is for only one account. Considering this situation results in the following data model.

A simple accounting system

The following are a set of steps for processing a transaction (e.g., transferring money from a checking account to a money market account):

  1. Write the transaction to the transaction table so you have a record of the transaction.

  2. Update the account to be credited by incrementing its balance in the account table.

  3. Insert a row in the entry table to record the credit.

  4. Update the account to be debited by decrementing its balance in the account table.

  5. Insert a row in the entry table to record the debit.

Here is the code for a stored procedure to execute these steps. Note that the first line sets the delimiter to // because the default delimiter for SQL is a semicolon (;), which we need to use to delimit the multiple SQL commands in the procedure. The last statement in the procedure is thus END // to indicate the end of the procedure.

-- Define the input values
IN `Credit account` INTEGER, 
IN `Debit account`  INTEGER, 
IN  Amount          DECIMAL(9,2),
IN `Transaction ID` INTEGER)
-- Save the transaction details
INSERT INTO transaction VALUES (`Transaction ID`, Amount, CURRENT_DATE);
UPDATE account
-- Increase the credit account 
SET acctbalance = acctbalance + Amount
WHERE acctno = `Credit account`;
INSERT INTO entry VALUES (`Transaction ID`, `Credit account`, 'cr');
UPDATE account
-- Decrease the debit account 
SET acctbalance = acctbalance - Amount
WHERE acctno = `Debit account`;
INSERT INTO entry VALUES (`Transaction ID`, `Debit account`, 'db');
END //

A CALL statement executes a stored procedure. The generic CALL statement for the preceding procedure is

CALL transfer(cracct, dbacct, amt, transno);

Thus, imagine that transaction 1005 transfers $100 to account 1 (the credit account) from account 2 (the debit account). The specific call is

CALL transfer(1,2,100,1005);

Skill builder

  1. Create the tables for the preceding data model, insert a some reows, and enter the code for the stored procedure. Now, test the stored procedure and query the tables to verify that the procedure has worked.

  2. Write a stored procedure to add details of a gift to the donation database (see exercises in Chapter 5).


A trigger is a form of stored procedure that executes automatically when a table’s rows are modified. Triggers can be defined to execute either before or after rows are inserted into a table, when rows are deleted from a table, and when columns are updated in the rows of a table. Triggers can include virtual tables that reflect the row image before and after the operation, as appropriate. Triggers can be used to enforce business rules or requirements, integrity checking, and automatic transaction logging.

Consider the case of recording all updates to the stock table (see Chapter 4). First, you must define a table in which to record details of the change.

CREATE TABLE stock_log (
stkcode           CHAR(3),
old_stkprice      DECIMAL(6,2),
new_stkprice      DECIMAL(6,2),
old_stkqty        DECIMAL(8),
new_stkqty        DECIMAL(8),
update_stktime  TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(update_stktime));

The trigger writes a record to stock_log every time an update is made to stock. Two virtual tables (old and new) have details of the prior and current values of stock price (old.stkprice and new.stkprice) and stock quantity (old.stkprice and new.stkprice). The INSERT statement also writes the stock’s identifying code and the time of the transaction.

CREATE TRIGGER stock_update
    (OLD.stkcode, OLD.stkprice, NEW.stkprice, OLD.stkqty, NEW.stkqty, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
END //

Skill builder

Why is the primary key of stock_log not the same as that of stock?

Universal Unique Identifier (UUID)

A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) is a generated number that is globally unique even if generated by independent programs on different computers. The probability that a UUID is not unique is close enough to zero to be negligible. More precisely, the probability of a duplicate within 103 trillion UUIDs is one in a billion.

A UUID is a 128-bit number generated by combining a timestamp and the generating computers’s node id to create an identifier that it temporally and spatially different. A UUID is useful when you want to support different programs on different computers inserting rows in a distributed database.


Nulls—much ado about missing information

Nulls are overworked in SQL because they can represent several situations. Null can represent unknown information. For example, you might add a new stock to the database, but lacking details of its latest dividend, you leave the field null. Null can be used to represent a value that is inapplicable. For instance, the employee table contains a null value in bossno for Alice because she has no boss. The value is not unknown; it is not applicable for that field. In other cases, null might mean “no value supplied” or “value undefined.” Because null can have multiple meanings, the client must infer which meaning is appropriate to the circumstances.

Do not confuse null with blank or zero, which are values. In fact, null is a marker that specifies that the value for the particular column is null. Thus, null represents no value.

The well-known database expert Chris Date has been outspoken in his concern about the confusion caused by nulls. His advice is that nulls should be explicitly avoided by specifying NOT NULL for all columns and by using codes to make the meaning of a value clear (e.g., “U” means “unknown,” “I” means “inapplicable,” and “N” means “not supplied”).


Data are a valuable resource for nearly every organization. Just as an organization takes measures to protect its physical assets, it also needs to safeguard its electronic assets—its organizational memory, including databases. Furthermore, it often wants to limit the access of authorized users to particular parts of a database and restrict their actions to particular operations.

Two SQL features are used to administer security procedures. A view, discussed earlier in this chapter, can restrict a client’s access to specified columns or rows in a table, and authorization commands can establish a user’s privileges.

The authorization subsystem is based on the concept of a privilege—the authority to perform an operation. For example, a person cannot update a table unless they have been granted the appropriate update privilege. The database administrator (DBA) is a master of the universe and has the highest privilege. The DBA can perform any legal operation. The creator of an object, say a base table, has full privileges for that object. Those with privileges can then use GRANT and REVOKE, commands included in SQL’s data control language (DCL) to extend privileges to or rescind them from other users.


The GRANT command defines a client’s privileges. The general format of the statement is

GRANT privileges ON object TO users [WITH GRANT OPTION];

where “privileges” can be a list of privileges or the keyword ALL PRIVILEGES, and “users” is a list of user identifiers or the keyword PUBLIC. An “object” can be a base table or a view.

The following privileges can be granted for tables and views: SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT.

The UPDATE privilege specifies the particular columns in a base table or view that may be updated. Some privileges apply only to base tables. These are ALTER and INDEX.

The following examples illustrate the use of GRANT:

Give Alice all rights to the stock table.


Permit the accounting staff, Todd and Nancy, to update the price of a stock.

GRANT UPDATE (stkprice) ON stock TO todd, nancy;

Give all staff the privilege to select rows from item.


Give Alice all rights to view stk.



The WITH GRANT OPTION command allows a client to transfer his privileges to another client, as this next example illustrates:

Give Ned all privileges for the item table and permit him to grant any of these to other staff members who may need to work with item.


This means that Ned can now use the GRANT command to give other staff privileges. To give Andrew permission for select and insert on item, for example, Ned would enter



What GRANT granteth, REVOKE revoketh. Privileges are removed using the REVOKE statement. The general format of this statement is

REVOKE privileges ON object FROM users;

These examples illustrate the use of REVOKE.

Remove Sophie’s ability to select from item.


Nancy is no longer permitted to update stock prices.


Cascading revoke

When a REVOKE statement removes a privilege, it can result in more than one revocation. An earlier example illustrated how Ned used his WITH GRANT OPTION right to authorize Andrew to select and insert rows on item. The following REVOKE command


automatically revokes Andrew’s insert privilege.

The system catalog

The system catalog describes a relational database. It contains the definitions of base tables, views, indexes, and so on. The catalog itself is a relational database and can be interrogated using SQL. Tables in the catalog are called system tables to distinguish them from base tables, though conceptually these tables are the same. In MySQL, the system catalog is called information_schema. Some important system tables in this schema are tables, and columns, and these are used in the following examples. Note that the names of the system catalog tables vary with RDBMS implementations, so while the following examples illustrate use of system catalog tables, it is likely that you will have to change the table names for other RDBMSs.

The table TABLES contains details of all tables in the database. There is one row for each table in the database.

Find the table(s) with the most columns.

SELECT table_name, table_rows
    FROM information_schema.tables
        WHERE table_rows = (SELECT MAX(table_rows)
            FROM information_schema.tables);

The COLUMN table stores details about each column in the database.

What columns in what tables store dates?

SELECT table_name, column_name
    FROM information_schema.columns
        WHERE DATA_TYPE = 'date'
            ORDER BY table_name, column_name;

As you can see, querying the catalog is the same as querying a database. This is a useful feature because you can use SQL queries on the catalog to find out more about a database.

Natural language processing

Infrequent inquirers of a relational database may be reluctant to use SQL because they don’t use it often enough to remain familiar with the language. While the QBE approach can make querying easier, a more natural approach is to use standard English. In this case, natural language processing (NLP) is used to convert ordinary English into SQL so the query can be passed to the relational database. The example in the table below shows the successful translation of a query to SQL. A natural language processor must translate a request to SQL and request clarification where necessary.

An example of natural language processing

English SQL generated for MS Access
Which movies have won best foreign film sorted by year? SELECT DISTINCT [Year], [Title] FROM [Awards] INNER JOIN [Movies] ON [Movies].[Movie ID] = [Awards].[Movie ID] WHERE [Category]=‘Best Foreign Film’ and [Status]=‘Winner’ ORDER BY [Year] ASC;

Connectivity and ODBC

Over time and because of differing needs, an organization is likely to purchase RDBMS software from a variety of vendors. Also, in some situations, mergers and acquisitions can create a multivendor RDBMS environment. Consequently, the SQL Access Group developed SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI), a unified standard for remote database access. The intention of CLI is to provide programmers with a generic approach for writing software that accesses a database. With the appropriate CLI database driver, any RDBMS server can provide access to client programs that use the CLI. On the server side, the RDBMS CLI driver is responsible for translating the CLI call into the server’s access language. On the client side, there must be a CLI driver for each database to which it connects. CLI is not a query language but a way of wrapping SQL so it can be understood by a RDBMS. In 1996, CLI was adopted as an international standard and renamed X/Open CLI.

Open database connectivity (ODBC)

The de facto standard for database connectivity is Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), an extended implementation of CLI developed by Microsoft. This application programming interface (API) is cross-platform and can be used to access any RDBMS that has an ODBC driver. This enables a software developer to build and distribute an application without targeting a specific RDBMS. Database drivers are then added to link the application to the client’s choice of RDBMS. For example, a desktop app running under Windows can use ODBC to access an Oracle RDBMS running on a Unix box.

There is considerable support for ODBC. Application vendors like it because they do not have to write and maintain code for each RDBMS; they can write one API. RDBMS vendors support ODBC because they do not have to convince application vendors to support their product. For database systems managers, ODBC provides vendor and platform independence. Although the ODBC API was originally developed to provide database access from MS Windows products, many ODBC driver vendors support Linux and Macintosh clients.

Most vendors also have their own SQL APIs. The problem is that most vendors, as a means of differentiating their RDBMS, have a more extensive native API protocol and also add extensions to standard ODBC. The developer who is tempted to use these extensions threatens the portability of the database.

ODBC introduces greater complexity and a processing overhead because it adds two layers of software. As the following figure illustrates, an ODBC-compliant application has additional layers for the ODBC API and ODBC driver. As a result, ODBC APIs can never be as fast as native APIs.

ODBC layers

ODBC driver manager
Service provider API
Driver for RDBMS server
RDBMS server

Embedded SQL

SQL can be used in two modes. First, SQL is an interactive query language and database programming language. SELECT defines queries; INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE to maintain a database. Second, any interactive SQL statement can be embedded in an application program.

This dual-mode principle is a very useful feature. It means that programmers need to learn one database query language, because the same SQL statements apply for both interactive queries and application statements. Programmers can also interactively examine SQL commands before embedding them in a program, a feature that can substantially reduce the time to write an application program.

Because SQL is not a complete programming language, however, it must be used with a traditional programming language to create applications. Common complete programming languages, such as and Java, support embedded SQL. If you are need to write application programs using embedded SQL, you will need training in both the application language and the details of how it communicates with SQL.

User-defined types

Versions of SQL prior to the SQL-99 specification had predefined data types, and programmers were limited to selecting the data type and defining the length of character strings. One of the basic ideas behind the object extensions of the SQL standard is that, in addition to the normal built-in data types defined by SQL, user-defined data types (UDTs) are available. A UDT is used like a predefined type, but it must be set up before it can be used.

The future of SQL

Since 1986, developers of database applications have benefited from an SQL standard, one of the more successful standardization stories in the software industry. Although most database vendors have implemented proprietary extensions of SQL, standardization has kept the language consistent, and SQL code is highly portable. Standardization was relatively easy when focused on the storage and retrieval of numbers and characters. Objects have made standardization more difficult.


Structured Query Language (SQL), a widely used relational database language, has been adopted as a standard by ANSI and ISO. It is a data definition language (DDL), data manipulation language (DML), and data control language (DCL). A base table is an autonomous, named table. A view is a virtual table. A key is one or more columns identified as such in the description of a table, an index, or a referential constraint. SQL supports primary, foreign, and unique keys. Indexes accelerate data access and ensure uniqueness. CREATE TABLE defines a new base table and specifies primary, foreign, and unique key constraints. Numeric, string, date, or graphic data can be stored in a column. BLOB and CLOB are data types for large fields. ALTER TABLE adds one new column to a table or changes the status of a constraint. DROP TABLE removes a table from a database. CREATE VIEW defines a view, which can be used to restrict access to data, report derived data, store commonly executed queries, and convert data. A view is created dynamically. DROP VIEW deletes a view. CREATE INDEX defines an index, and DROP INDEX deletes one.

Ambiguous references to column names are avoided by qualifying a column name with its table name. A table or view can be given a temporary name that remains current for a query. SQL has four data manipulation statements—SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. INSERT adds one or more rows to a table. UPDATE modifies a table by changing one or more rows. DELETE removes one or more rows from a table. SELECT provides powerful interrogation facilities. The product of two tables is a new table consisting of all rows of the first table concatenated with all possible rows of the second table. Join creates a new table from two existing tables by matching on a column common to both tables. A subquery is a query within a query. A correlated subquery differs from a simple subquery in that the inner query is evaluated multiple times rather than once.

SQL’s aggregate functions increase its retrieval power. GROUP BY supports grouping of rows that have the same value for a specified column. The REXEXP clause supports pattern matching. SQL includes scalar functions that can be used in arithmetic expressions, data conversion, or data extraction. Nulls cause problems because they can represent several situations—unknown information, inapplicable information, no value supplied, or value undefined. Remember, a null is not a blank or zero. The SQL commands, GRANT and REVOKE, support data security. GRANT authorizes a user to perform certain SQL operations, and REVOKE removes a user’s authority. The system catalog, which describes a relational database, can be queried using SELECT. SQL can be used as an interactive query language and as embedded commands within an application programming language. Natural language processing (NLP) and open database connectivity (ODBC) are extensions to relational technology that enhance its usefulness.

Key terms and concepts

Aggregate functions GROUP BY
Base table ISO
Complete database language Join
Complete programming language Key
Composite key Natural language processing (NLP)
Connectivity Null
Correlated subquery Open database connectivity (ODBC)
CREATE TABLE Referential integrity rule
Cursor Scalar functions
Data control language (DCL) Security
Data definition language (DDL) SELECT
Data manipulation language (DML) Special registers
Data types SQL
DELETE Subquery
DROP TABLE System catalog
DROP VIEW Temporary names
Embedded SQL Unique key
Foreign key UPDATE

References and additional readings

Date, C. J. 2003. An introduction to database systems. 8th ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.


  1. Why is it important that SQL was adopted as a standard by ANSI and ISO?

  2. What does it mean to say “SQL is a complete database language”?

  3. Is SQL a complete programming language? What are the implications of your answer?

  4. List some operational advantages of a RDBMS.

  5. What is the difference between a base table and a view?

  6. What is the difference between a primary key and a unique key?

  7. What is the purpose of an index?

  8. Consider the three choices for the ON DELETE clause associated with the foreign key constraint. What are the pros and cons of each option?

  9. Specify the data type (e.g., DECIMAL(6,2)) you would use for the following columns:

    1. The selling price of a house

    2. A telephone number with area code

    3. Hourly temperatures in Antarctica

    4. A numeric customer code

    5. A credit card number

    6. The distance between two cities

    7. A sentence using Chinese characters

    8. The number of kilometers from the Earth to a given star

    9. The text of an advertisement in the classified section of a newspaper

    10. A basketball score

    11. The title of a CD

    12. The X-ray of a patient

    13. A U.S. zip code

    14. A British or Canadian postal code

    15. The photo of a customer

    16. The date a person purchased a car

    17. The time of arrival of an e-mail message

    18. The number of full-time employees in a small business

    19. The text of a speech

    20. The thickness of a layer on a silicon chip

  10. What is the difference between DROP TABLE and deleting all the rows in a table?

  11. Give some reasons for creating a view.

  12. When is a view created?

  13. Write SQL codes to create a unique index on firm name for the share table defined in Chapter 3. Would it make sense to create a unique index for PE ratio in the same table?

  14. What is the difference between product and join?

  15. What is the difference between an equijoin and a natural join?

  16. You have a choice between executing two queries that will both give the same result. One is written as a simple subquery and the other as a correlated subquery. Which one would you use and why?

  17. What function would you use for the following situations?

    1. Computing the total value of a column

    2. Finding the minimum value of a column

    3. Counting the number of customers in the customer table

    4. Displaying a number with specified precision

    5. Reporting the month part of a date

    6. Displaying the second part of a time

    7. Retrieving the first five characters of a city’s name

    8. Reporting the distance to the sun in feet

  18. Write SQL statements for the following:

    1. Let Hui-Tze query and add to the nation table.

    2. Give Lana permission to update the phone number column in the customer table.

    3. Remove all of William’s privileges.

    4. Give Chris permission to grant other users authority to select from the address table.

    5. Find the name of all tables that include the word sale.

    6. List all the tables created last year.

    7. What is the maximum length of the column city in the ClassicModels database? Why do you get two rows in the response?

    8. Find all columns that have a data type of SMALLINT.

  19. What are the two modes in which you can use SQL?

  20. Using the ClassicModels database, write an SQL procedure to change the credit limit of all customers in a specified country by a specified amount. Provide before and after queries to show your procedure works.

  21. How do procedural programming languages and SQL differ in the way they process data? How is this difference handled in an application program? What is embedded SQL?

  22. Using the ClassicModels database, write an SQL procedure to change the MSRP of all products in a product line by a specified percentage. Provide before and after queries to show your procedure works.

  1. The international system of units of measurement. SI is the from French Système International.↩︎