Chapter 24 Data Administration

Bad administration, to be sure, can destroy good policy; but good administration can never save bad policy.

Adlai Stevenson, speech given in Los Angeles, September 11, 1952

Learning objectives

Students completing this chapter will - understand the role of the Chief Data Officer (CDO); - understand the importance and role of data administration; - understand how system-level data administration functions are used to manage a database environment successfully; - understand how project-level data administration activities support the development of a database system; - understand what skills data administration requires and why it needs a balance of people, technology, and business skills to carry out its roles effectively; - understand how computer-based tools can be used to support data administration activities; - understand the management issues involved in initiating, staffing, and locating data administration organizationally.


In the information age, data are the lifeblood of every organization and need to be properly managed to retain their value to the organization. The importance of data as a key organizational resource has been emphasized throughout this book. Data administration is the management of organizational data stores.

Information technology permits organizations to capture, organize, and maintain a greater variety of data. These data can be hard (e.g., financial or production figures) or soft (e.g., management reports, correspondence, voice conversations, and video). If these data are to be used in the organization, they must be managed just as diligently as accounting information. Data administration is the common term applied to the task of managing organizational memory. Although common, basic management principles apply to most kinds of organizational data stores, the discussion in this chapter refers primarily to databases.

Why manage data?

Data are constantly generated in every act and utterance of every stakeholder (employee, shareholder, customer, or supplier) in relation to the organization. Some of these data are formal and structured, such as invoices, grade sheets, or bank withdrawals. A large amount of relatively unstructured data is generated too, such as tweets, blogs, and Facebook comments from customers. Much of the unstructured data generated within and outside the organizations are frequently captured but rarely analyzed deeply.

Organization units typically begin maintaining systematic records for data most likely to impinge on their performance. Often, different departments or individuals maintain records for the same data. As a result, the same data may be used in different ways by each department, and so each of them may adopt a different system of organizing its data. Over time, an organization accumulates a great deal of redundant data which demands considerable, needless administrative overhead for its maintenance. Inconsistencies may begin to emerge between the various forms of the same data. A department may incorrectly enter some data, which could result in embarrassment at best or a serious financial loss for the organization at worst.

When data are fragmented across several departments or individuals, and especially when there is personnel turnover, data may not be accessible when most needed. This is nearly as serious a problem as not having any data. Yet another motivation is that effective data management can greatly simplify and assist in the identification of new information system application development opportunities. Also, poor data management can result in breaches of security. Valuable information may be revealed to competitors or antagonists.

In summary, the problems arising from poor data management are:

  • The same data may be represented through multiple, inconsistent definitions.
  • There may be inconsistencies among different representations.
  • Essential data may be missing from the database.
  • Data may be inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Some data may never be captured for the database and thus are effectively lost to the organization.
  • There may be no way of knowing how to locate data when they are needed.

The overall goal of data administration is to prevent the occurrence of these problems by enabling users to access the data they need in the format most suitable for achieving organizational goals and by ensuring the integrity of organizational databases.

The Chief Data Officer

Firms are increasingly recognizing the importance of data to organizational performance, particularly with the attention given to big data in the years following 2010. As a result, some have created the new C-level position of Chief Data Officer (CDO), who is responsible for the strategic management of data systems and ensuring that the organization fully seizes data-driven opportunities to create new business, reduce costs, and increase revenues. The CDO assists the top management team in gaining full value from data, a key strategic asset.60 In 2003, Capital One was perhaps to first firm to appoint a CDO. Other early creators of this new executive role were Yahoo! and Microsoft Germany. The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has appointed a CDO for each of its 11 major divisions. Many firms report plans to create data stewards and CDOs. Given the strategic nature of data for business, it is not surprising that one study reports that 30 percent of CDOs report to the CEO, with another 20% reporting to the COO.

CDO role dimensions

Three dimensions of the CDO role have been identified and described (see the following figure), namely, collaboration direction (inward or outward), data management focus (traditional transaction or big data, and value orientation (service or strategy). We now discuss each of these dimensions.

The three dimensions of the CDO role

Inward vs. outward collaboration

A CDO can focus collaborative efforts inward or outward. An inward emphasis might mean working with production to improve the processes for capturing manufacturing data. An outward oriented CDO, in contrast, might work with customers to improve the data flow between the firm and the customer.

Inward oriented initiatives might include developing data quality assessment methods, establishing data products standards, creating procedures for managing metadata, and establishing data governance. The goal is to ensure consistent data delivery and quality inside the organization.

An outwardly-focused CDO will strive to cooperate with an organization’s external stakeholders. For example, one CDO led a program for “global unique product identification” to improve collaboration with external global partners. Another might pay attention to improving the quality of data supplied to external partners.

Traditional vs. big data management focus

A CDO can stress managing traditional transactional data, which is typically managed with a relational databases, or shift direction towards handling expanding data volumes with new files structures, such as Hadoop data file structure (HDFS).

Traditional data are still the foundation of many organization’s operations, and there remains in many firms a need for a CDO with a transactional data orientation. Big data promises opportunities for improving operations or developing new business strategies based on analyses and insights not available from traditional data. A CDO attending to big data can provide leadership in helping a business gain deeper knowledge of its customers, suppliers, and so forth based on mining large volumes of data.

Service vs. strategy orientation

A CDO can stress improving services or exploring an organization’s strategic opportunities. This dimension should reflect the organization’s goals for the CDO position. If the top management team is mainly concerned with oversight and accountability, then the CDO should pay attention to improving existing data-related processes. Alternatively, if the senior team actively seeks new data-driven strategic value, then the CDO needs to be similarly aligned and might look at how to exploit digit data streams, for example. One strategy-directed CDO, for instance, led an initiative to identify new information products for advancing the firm’s position in the financial industry.

CDO archetypes

Based on the three dimensions just discussed, eight different CDO roles can be identified, as shown in the following table.

Dimensions of CDO archetypes

While eight different roles are possible, it is important to note that a CDO might take on several of these roles as the situation changes and the position evolves. Also, treat an archetype as a broad indicator of a role rather than a confining specification.

CDO archetypes

Archetype Definition
Coordinator Fosters internal collaboration using transactional data to support business services.
Reporter Provides high quality enterprise data delivery services for external reporting.
Architect Designs databases and internal business processes to create new opportunities for the organization.
Ambassador Develops internal data policies to support business strategy and external collaboration using traditional data sources.
Analyst Improves internal business performance by exploiting big data to provide new services.
Marketer Develops relationships with external data partners and stakeholders to improve externally provided data services using big data.
Developer Navigates and negotiates with internal enterprise divisions in order to create new services by exploiting big data.
Experimenter Engages with external parties, such as suppliers and industry peers, to explore new, unidentified markets and products based on insights derived from big data.

💠 Case Study - The role of the Chief Data and Analytics Officer

Artera Services is a leading provider of innovative, sustainable, mission-critical infrastructure solutions. It focuses on serving the natural gas industry, while offering specialty services that support the advancement of water, wastewater, electricity, telecommunications, and specialized critical urban infrastructures. The firm collects data in order to service its clients. To ensure that these data are accurate, complete, and useful, Artera Services has established an data management program that combines data governance and data quality.

In this case study, we explore the role of the Chief Data and Analytics Officer (CDAO) in managing data as a combination of data governance and data quality.

The challenge: ensuring data accuracy and quality

?As an infrastructure provider, Artera Services relies on data to inform decision-making and to deliver high-quality services to its clients. However, it faced several challenges in managing its data effectively.

First, Artera Services struggled with data quality. The data collected are often incomplete or contain errors, which makes it difficult to use them effectively and lowers decision quality. This leads to operational inefficiencies and impairs the ability to deliver high-quality services to clients.

Second, the organization lacked a clear system for data governance. There was no central authority responsible for managing organizational data, and there were no established policies or procedures for data collection, storage, and use. This led to confusion and inconsistency in the way data were managed.

The solution: Establish a data management program

In order to address these challenges, Artera Services decided to create a data management program by combining data governance and data quality. To lead this effort, it appointed a Chief Data and Analytics Officer (CDAO).

The CDAO’s primary responsibilities include defining the data strategy, establishing data governance and data quality standard, and implementing data management processes and systems. The CDAO works closely with other departments to ensure that data are used effectively and in compliance with regulations.

To improve data quality, the CDAO implemented a system for tracking and monitoring data accuracy and completeness. This system includes regular audits and checks to ensure that employees are educated to properly collect, store, and use data.

To establish a clear system for data governance, the CDAO worked with the organization’s legal and compliance teams to develop policies and procedures for data collection, storage, and use. The CDAO also defined roles and responsibilities for data management and established guidelines for how data should be managed within the organization.

The CDAO also implemented a data analytics platform to help the organization make highly informed decisions based on data. This platform allows the organization to collect, analyze, and visualize data from multiple sources, giving executives a more comprehensive view of operations.

The results: Improved data quality and governance

Through the efforts of the CDAO and the establishment of an effective data management program, Artera Services was able to significantly improve the accuracy and quality of its data. The organization’s data are now more complete and accurate, which enables it to make more informed decisions and deliver higher quality services to its clients.

In addition, the establishment of clear data governance policies and procedures improved the consistency and efficiency of data management within the organization. The CDAO plays a crucial role in this process, overseeing the data management function and working to ensure that the organization is using data effectively.

The implementation of the data analytics platform also helps the organization to better understand its operations and identify areas for improvement. By using data to inform their decision-making, Artera Services is able to streamline its processes and improve its overall efficiency.


This case study illustrates the importance of data management in ensuring the accuracy and quality of organizational data. By combining data governance and data quality, organizations can ensure that their data are well-managed and meet their business needs. The CDAO plays a crucial role by overseeing the data management function and working with clients to satisfy their information requirements.

The case was contributed by Balaram Tidhi (Chief Data and Analytics Officer, Artera).

Management of the database environment

In many large organizations, there is a formal data administration function to manage corporate data. For those companies with a CDO, data administration might be subsumed within this function. For those without, data administration is typically the responsibility of the CIO. The relationship among the various components of data administration is shown in the following figure.

Management of the database environment


A database management system (DBMS) can manage multiple databases covering different aspects of an organization’s activities. When a database has multiple clients, it may be designed to meet all their requirements, even though a specific person may need only a portion of the data contained within the database. For instance, a finished-goods database may be accessed by Production and Finance, as well as Marketing. It may contain cost information that is accessible by Production and Finance but not by Marketing.

System interface

The interface consists of windows, menus, icons, and commands that enable clients to direct the system to manipulate data. Clients may range from casual novices, who need to be insulated from the underlying complexity of the data, to expert application developers, who manipulate the data using programming languages or other data-handling tools.

Data dictionary

A data dictionary is a reference repository containing metadata (data about data) that is stored in the database. Among other things, the data dictionary contains a list of all the databases; their component parts and detailed descriptions such as field sizes, data types, and data validation information for data capture purposes; authorized clients and their access privileges; and ownership details.

A data dictionary is a map of the data in organizational data stores. It permits the data administration staff and users to document the database, design new applications, and redesign the database if necessary. The data dictionary/directory system (DD/DS), itself a DBMS, is software for managing the data dictionary.

External databases

For organizations to remain competitive in a rapidly changing marketplace, access to data from external sources is becoming increasingly critical. Research and development groups need access to the latest developments in their technical fields and need to track information such as patents filed, research reports, and new product releases. Marketing departments need access to data on market conditions and competitive situations as reported in various surveys and the media in general. Financial data regarding competitors and customers are important to senior executives. Monitoring political situations may be critical to many business decisions, especially in the international business arena.

Extensive external data are available electronically through information services such as Bloomberg (financial data), Reuters (news), and LexisNexis (legal data), various government sites,such as, or from various Web sites. Tools are available to download external data into internal databases, from which they may be accessed through the same interface as for internal data.

Data administration

Data administration is responsible for the management of data-related activities. There are two levels of data administration activities: system and project.

System-level administration is concerned with establishing overall policies and procedures for the management and use of data in the organization. Formulating a data strategy and specifying an information architecture for the organization are also system-level data administration functions.

Project-level administration deals more with the specifics, such as optimizing specific databases for operational efficiency, establishing and implementing database access rights, creating new databases, and monitoring database use.

In general, the system-level function takes a broader perspective of the role played by data in achieving business objectives, while the project-level function is more concerned with the actual mechanics of database implementation and operation. We use the term data administration to refer to both functional levels.

Data administration functions and roles

The functions of data administration may be accomplished through multiple roles or job titles such as database administrator, database developer, database consultant, and database analyst, collectively referred to as the data administration staff. A single role could be responsible for both system and project levels of data administration, or responsibility may be distributed among several persons, depending on the size of the organization, the number of database applications, and the number of clients.

In addition, data administration could be carried out entirely in a client department. For instance, a client could be the data steward responsible for managing all corporate data for some critical business-related entity or activity (e.g., a customer, a production facility, a supplier, a division, a project, or a product) regardless of the purpose for which the data are used.

Data stewards coordinate planning of the data for which they are responsible. Tasks include data definition, quality control and improvement, security, and access authorization. The data steward’s role is especially important today because of the emphasis on customer satisfaction and cross-functional teams. Data stewardship seeks to align data management with organizational strategy.

Database levels

Databases may be maintained at several levels of use: personal, workgroup (e.g., project team or department), and organizational. More clients usually results in greater complexity of both the database and its management.

Personal databases in the form of calendars, planners, and name and address books have existed for a long time. The availability of laptops, tablets, and smartphones have made it convenient to maintain synchronized electronic personal databases across multiple devices. Behind the interface of many of these apps is a lightweight relational database, such as SQLite.

Workgroup databases cannot be as idiosyncratic because they are shared by many people. Managing them requires more planning and coordination to ensure that all the various clients’ needs are addressed and data integrity is maintained. Organizational databases are the most complex in terms of both structure and need for administration. All databases, regardless of scope or level, require administration.

Managing a personal database is relatively simple. Typically, the owner of the database is also its developer and administrator. Issues such as access rights and security are settled quite easily, perhaps by locking the computer when away from the desk. Managing workgroup databases is more complex. Controls almost certainly will be needed to restrict access to certain data. On the other hand, some data will need to be available to many group members. Also, responsibility for backup and recovery must be established. Small workgroups may jointly perform both system- and project-level data administration activities. Meetings may be a way to coordinate system-level data administration activities, and project-level activities may be distributed among different workgroup members. Larger groups may have a designated data administrator, who is also a group member.

Managing organizational databases is typically a full-time job requiring special skills to work with complex database environments. In large organizations, several persons may handle data administration, each carrying out different data administration activities. System-level data administration activities may be carried out by a committee led by a senior IS executive (who may be a full- or part-time data administrator), while project-level data administration activities may be delegated to individual data administration staff members.

System-level data administration functions

System-level data administration functions, which may be performed by one or more persons, are summarized in the following table.

Developing data standards and policies
Defining XML data schemas
Maintaining data integrity
Resolving data conflict
Managing the DBMS
Establishing and maintaining the data dictionary
Selecting hardware and software
Managing external databases
Internal marketing


Because data are a strategic corporate resource, planning is perhaps the most critical data administration function. A key planning activity is creating an organization’s information architecture, which includes all the major data entities and the relationships between them. It indicates which business functions and applications access which entities. An information architecture also may address issues such as how data will be transmitted and where they will be stored. Since an information architecture is an organization’s overall strategy for data and applications, it should dovetail with the organization’s long-term plans and objectives.61

Developing data standards and policies

Whenever data are used by more than one person, there must be standards to govern their use. Data standards become especially critical in organizations using heterogeneous hardware and software environments. Why could this become a problem? For historical reasons, different departments may use different names and field sizes for the same data item. These differences can cause confusion and misunderstanding. For example, “sale date” may have different meanings for the legal department (e.g., the date the contract was signed) and the sales department (e.g., the date of the sales call). Furthermore, the legal department may store data in the form yyyy-mm-dd and the sales department as dd-mm-yy. Data administration’s task is to develop and publish data standards so that field names are clearly defined, and a field’s size and format are consistent across the enterprise.

Furthermore, some data items may be more important to certain departments or divisions. For instance, customer data are often critical to the marketing department. It is useful in such cases to appoint a data steward from the appropriate functional area as custodian for these data items.

Policies need to be established regarding who can access and manipulate which data, when, and from where. For instance, should employees using their home computers be allowed to access corporate data? If such access is permitted, then data security and risk exposure must be considered and adequate data safeguards implemented.

Defining XML data schemas

Data administration is also often responsible for defining data schemas for data exchange within the organization and among business partners. Data administration is also responsible for keeping abreast of industry schema standards so that the organization is in conformance with common practice. Some data administrators may even work on defining a common data schema for an industry.

Maintaining data integrity

Data must be made available when needed, but only to authorized users. The data management aspects of data integrity are discussed at length in the Data Integrity chapter.

Resolving data conflict

Data administration involves the custodianship of data owned or originating in various organizational departments or functions, and conflicts are bound to arise at some point. For instance, one department may be concerned about a loss of security when another department is allowed access to its data. In another instance, one group may feel that another is contaminating a commonly used data pool because of inadequate data validation practices. Incidents like these, and many others, require management intervention and settlement through a formal or informal process of discussion and negotiation in which all parties are assured of an outcome that best meets the needs of the organization. Data administration facilitates negotiation and mediates dispute resolution.

Managing the DBMS

While project-level data administration is concerned more directly with the DBMS, the performance and characteristics of the DBMS ultimately impinge on the effectiveness of the system-level data administration function. It is, therefore, important to monitor characteristics of the DBMS. Over a period, benchmark statistics for different projects or applications will need to be compiled. These statistics are especially useful for addressing complaints regarding the performance of the DBMS, which may then lead to design changes, tuning of the DBMS, or additional hardware.

Database technology is rapidly advancing. For example, relational DBMSs are continually being extended, and Hadoop offers a new approach to handle large data processing tasks. Keeping track of developments, evaluating their benefits, and deciding on converting to new database environments are critical system-level data administration functions that can have strategic implications for the corporation.

Establishing and maintaining the data dictionary

A data dictionary is a key data administration tool that provides details of data in the organizational database and how they are used (e.g., by various application programs). If modifications are planned for the database (e.g., changing the size of a column in a table), the data dictionary helps to determine which applications will be affected by the proposed changes.

More sophisticated data dictionary systems are closely integrated with specific database products. They are updated automatically whenever the structure of the underlying database is changed.

Selecting hardware and software

Evaluating and selecting the appropriate hardware and software for an organizational database are critical responsibilities with strategic organizational implications. These are not easy tasks because of the dynamic nature of the database industry, the continually changing variety of available hardware and software products, and the rapid pace of change within many organizations. Today’s excellent choice might become tomorrow’s nightmare if, for instance, the vendor of a key database component goes out of business or ceases product development.

Extensive experience and knowledge of the database software business and technological progress in the field are essential to making effective database hardware and software decisions. The current and future needs of the organization need to be assessed in terms of capacity as well as features. Relevant questions include the following:

  • How many people and apps will simultaneously access the database?
  • Will the database need to be geographically distributed? If so, what is the degree to which the database will be replicated, and what is the nature of database replication that is supported?
  • What is the maximum size of the database?
  • How many transactions per second can the DBMS handle?
  • What kind of support for online transaction processing is available?
  • What are the initial and ongoing costs of using the product?
  • Can the database be extended to include new data types?
  • What is the extent of training required, who can provide it, and what are the associated costs?

DBMS selection should cover technical, operational, and financial considerations. An organization’s selection criteria are often specified in a request for proposal (RFP). This document is sent to a short list of potential vendors, who are invited to respond with a software or hardware/software proposal outlining how their product or service meets each criterion in the RFP. Discussions with current customers are usually desirable to gain confirming evidence of a vendor’s claims. The final decision should be based on the manner and degree to which each vendor’s proposal satisfies these criteria.

Skill builder

A small nonprofit organization has asked for your help in selecting a relational database management system (RDBMS) for general-purpose management tasks. Because of budget limitations, it is very keen to adopt an open source RDBMS. Search the Web to find at least two open source RDBMSs, compare the two systems, and make a recommendation to the organization.


Benchmarking, the comparison of alternative hardware and software combinations, is an important step in the selection phase. Because benchmarking is an activity performed by many IS units, the IS community gains if there is one group that specializes in rigorous benchmarking of a wide range of systems. The Transaction Processing Council (TPC) is the IS profession’s Consumer Union. TPC has established benchmarks for a variety of business situations.

Managing external databases

Providing access to external databases has increased the level of complexity of data administration, which now has the additional responsibility of identifying information services that meet existing or potential managerial needs. Data administration must determine the quality of such data and the means by which they can be channeled into the organization’s existing information delivery system. Costs of data may vary among vendors. Some may charge a flat monthly or annual fee, while others may have a usage charge. Data may arrive in a variety of formats, and data administration may need to make them adhere to corporate standards. Data from different vendors and sources may need to be integrated and presented in a unified format and on common screens.

Monitoring external data sources is critical because data quality may vary over time. Data administration must determine whether organizational needs are continuing to be met and data quality is being maintained. If they are not, a subscription may be canceled and an alternative vendor sought. Security is another critical problem. When corporate databases are connected to external communication links, there is a threat of hackers breaking into the system and gaining unauthorized access to confidential internal data. Also, corporate data may be contaminated by spurious data or even by viruses entering from external sources. Data administration must be cautious when incorporating external data into the database.

Internal marketing

Because IS applications can have a major impact on organizational performance, the IS function is becoming more proactive in initiating the development of new applications. Many clients are not aware of what is possible with newly emergent technologies, and hence do not see opportunities to exploit these developments. Also, as custodian of organizational data, data administration needs to communicate its goals and responsibilities throughout the organization. People and departments need to be persuaded to share data that may be of value to other parts of the organization. There may be resistance to change when people are asked to switch to newly set data standards. In all these instances, data administration must be presented in a positive light to lessen resistance to change. Data administration needs to market internally its products and services to its customers.

Project-level data administration

At the project level, data administration focuses on the detailed needs of individual clients and applications. It supports the development and use of a specific database system.

Systems development life cycle (SDLC)

Database development follows a fairly predictable sequence of steps or phases similar to the systems development life cycle (SDLC) for applications. This sequence is called the database development life cycle (DDLC). The database and application development life cycles together constitute the systems development life cycle (SDLC).

Systems development life cycles

Application development life cycle (ADLC) Database development life cycle (DDLC)
Project planning Project planning
Requirements definition Requirements definition
Application design Database design
Application construction
Application testing Database testing
Application implementation Database implementation
Operations Database usage
Maintenance Database evolution

Application development involves the eight phases shown in the preceding table. It commences with project planning which, among other things, involves determining project feasibility and allocating the necessary personnel and material resources for the project. This is followed by requirements definition, which involves considerable interaction with clients to clearly specify the system. These specifications become the basis for a conceptual application design, which is then constructed through program coding and tested. Once the system is thoroughly tested, it is installed and user operations begin. Over time, changes may be needed to upgrade or repair the system, and this is called system maintenance.

The database development phases parallel application development. Data administration is responsible for the DDLC. Data are the focus of database development, rather than procedures or processes. Database construction is folded into the testing phase because database testing typically involves minimal effort. In systems with integrated data dictionaries, the process of constructing the data dictionary also creates the database shell (i.e., tables without data). While the sequence of phases in the cycle as presented is generally followed, there is often a number of iterations within and between steps. Data modeling is iterative, and the final database design evolves from many data modeling sessions. A previously unforeseen requirement may surface during the database design phase, and this may prompt a revision of the specifications completed in the earlier phase.

System development may proceed in three different ways:

  1. The database may be developed independently of applications, following only the DDLC steps.
  2. Applications may be developed for existing databases, following only the ADLC steps.
  3. Application and database development may proceed in parallel, with both simultaneously stepping through the ADLC and DDLC.

Consider each of these possibilities.

Database development may proceed independently of application development for a number of reasons. The database may be created and later used by an application or for ad hoc queries using SQL. In another case, an existing database may undergo changes to meet changed business requirements. In such situations, the developer goes through the appropriate stages of the DDLC.

Application development may proceed based on an existing database. For instance, a personnel database may already exist to serve a set of applications, such as payroll. This database could be used as the basis for a new personnel benefits application, which must go through all the phases of the ADLC.

A new system requires both application and database development. Frequently, a new system will require creation of both a new database and applications. For instance, a computer manufacturer may start a new Web-based order sales division and wish to monitor its performance. The vice-president in charge of the division may be interested in receiving daily sales reports by product and by customer as well as a weekly moving sales trend analysis for the prior 10 weeks. This requires both the development of a new sales database as well as a new application for sales reporting. Here, the ADLC and DDLC are both used to manage development of the new system.

Database development roles

Database development involves several roles, chiefly those of developer, client, and data administrator. The roles and their responsibilities are outlined in the following table.

Database development roles

Delopment phase Database developer Data administrator Client
Project planning Does Consults Provides information
Requirements definition Does Consults Provides requirements
Database design Does Consults Validates data models
Database testing System and client testing Consults & data integrity Testing
Database implementation System-related activities Consults & data integrity Client activities
Database usage Consults Data integrity & monitoring Uses
Database evolution Does Change control Provides additional requirements

The database developer shoulders the bulk of the responsibility for developing data models and implementing the database. This can be seen in the table, where most of the cells in the database developer column are labeled “Does.” The database developer does project planning, requirements definition, database design, database testing, and database implementation, and in addition, is responsible for database evolution.

The client’s role is to establish the goals of a specific database project, provide the database developers with access to all information needed for project development, and review and regularly scrutinize the developer’s work.

The data administrator’s prime responsibilities are implementing and controlling, but the person also may be required to perform activities and consult. In some situations, the database developer is not part of the data administration staff and may be located in a client department, or may be an analyst from an IS project team. In these cases, the data administrator advises the developer on organizational standards and policies as well as provides specific technical guidelines for successful construction of a database. When the database developer is part of the data administration staff, developer and data administration activities may be carried out by the same person, or by the person(s) occupying the data administration role. In all cases, the data administrator should understand the larger business context in which the database will be used and should be able to relate business needs to specific technical capabilities and requirements.

Database development life cycle (DDLC)

Previously, we discussed the various roles involved in database development and how they may be assigned to different persons. In this section, we will assume that administration and development are carried out by the data administration staff, since this is the typical situation encountered in many organizations. The activities of developer and administrator, shown in the first two columns of the table, are assumed to be performed by data administration staff. Now, let us consider data administration project-level support activities in detail . These activities are discussed in terms of the DDLC phase they support.

Database development life cycle

Database project planning

Database project planning includes establishing project goals, determining project feasibility (financial, technical, and operational), creating an implementation plan and schedule, assigning project responsibilities (including data stewards), and establishing standards. All project stakeholders, including clients, senior management, and developers, are involved in planning. They are included for their knowledge as well as to gain their commitment to the project.

Requirements definition

During requirements definition, clients and developers establish requirements and develop a mutual understanding of what the new system will deliver. Data are defined and the resulting definitions stored in the data dictionary. Requirements definition generates documentation that should serve as an unambiguous reference for database development. Although in theory the clients are expected to sign-off on the specifications and accept the developed database as is, their needs may actually change in practice. Clients may gain a greater understanding of their requirements and business conditions may change. Consequently, the original specifications may require revision. In the preceding figure, the arrows connecting phase 4 (testing) and phase 3 (design) to phase 2 (requirements definition) indicate that modeling and testing may identify revisions to the database specification, and these amendments are then incorporated into the design.

Database design

Conceptual and internal models of the database are developed during database design. Conceptual design, or data modeling, is discussed extensively in Section 2 of this book. Database design should also include specification of procedures for testing the database. Any additional controls for ensuring data integrity are also specified. The external model should be checked and validated by the user.

Database testing

Database testing requires previously developed specifications and models to be tested using the intended DBMS. Clients are often asked to provide operational data to support testing the database with realistic transactions. Testing should address a number of key questions.

  • Does the DBMS support all the operational and security requirements?
  • Is the system able to handle the expected number of transactions per second?
  • How long does it take to process a realistic mix of queries?

Testing assists in making early decisions regarding the suitability of the selected DBMS. Another critical aspect of database testing is verifying data integrity controls. Testing may include checking backup and recovery procedures, access control, and data validation rules.

Database implementation

Testing is complete when the clients and developers are extremely confident the system meets specified needs. Data integrity controls are implemented, operational data are loaded (including historical data, if necessary), and database documentation is finalized. Clients are then trained to operate the system.

Database use

Clients may need considerable support as they learn and adapt to the system. Monitoring database performance is critical to keeping them satisfied; enables the data administrator to anticipate problems even before the clients begin to notice and complain about them, and tune the system to meet organizational needs; and also helps to enforce data standards and policies during the initial stages of database implementation.

Database evolution

Since organizations cannot afford to stand still in today’s dynamic business environment, business needs are bound to change over time, perhaps even after a few months. Data administration should be prepared to meet the challenge of change. Minor changes, such as changes in display formats, or performance improvements, may be continually requested. These have to be attended to on an ongoing basis. Other evolutionary changes may emerge from constant monitoring of database use by the data administration staff. Implementing these evolutionary changes involves repeating phases 3 to 6. Significant business changes may merit a radical redesign of the database. Major redesign may require repeating all phases of the DDLC.

Data administration interfaces

Data administration is increasingly a key corporate function, and it requires the existence of established channels of communication with various organizational groups. The key data administration interfaces are with clients, management, development staff, and computer operations. The central position of the data administration staff, shown in the following figure, reflects the liaison role that it plays in managing databases. Each of the groups has a different focus and different terminology and jargon. Data administration should be able to communicate effectively with all participants. For instance, operations staff will tend to focus on technical, day-to-day issues to which management is likely to pay less attention. These different focuses can, and frequently do, lead to conflicting views and expectations among the different groups. Good interpersonal skills are a must for data administration staff in order to deal with a variety of conflict-laden situations. Data administration, therefore, needs a balance of people, technical, and business skills for effective execution of its tasks.

Major data administration interfaces

Data administration probably will communicate most frequently with computer operations and development staff, somewhat less frequently with clients, and least frequently with management. These differences, however, have little to do with the relative importance of communicating with each group. The interactions between the data administration staff and each of the four groups are discussed next.


Management sets the overall business agenda for data administration, which must ensure that its actions directly contribute to the achievement of organizational goals. In particular, management establishes overall policy guidelines, approves data administration budgets, evaluates proposals, and champions major changes. For instance, if the data administration staff is interested in introducing new technology, management may request a formal report on the anticipated benefits of the proposed expenditure.

Interactions between the data administration staff and management may focus on establishing and evolving the information architecture for the organization. In some instances, these changes may involve the introduction of a new technology that could fundamentally transform roles or the organization.


On an ongoing basis, most clients will be less concerned with architectural issues and will focus on their personal needs. Data administration must determine what data should be collected and stored, how they should be validated to ensure integrity, and in what form and frequency they should be made available.

Typically, the data administration staff is responsible for managing the database, while the data supplier is responsible for ensuring accuracy. This may cause conflict, however, if there are multiple clients from separate departments. If conflict does arise, data administration has to arbitrate.

Development staff

Having received strategic directions from management, and after determining clients’ needs, data administration works with application and database developers, in order to fulfill the organization’s goals for the new system. On an ongoing basis, this may consist of developing specifications for implementation. Data administration works on an advisory basis with systems development, providing inputs on the database aspects. Data administration is typically responsible for establishing standards for program and database interfaces and making developers aware of these standards. Developers may need to be told which commands may be used in their programs and which databases they can access.

In many organizations, database development is part of data administration, and it has a very direct role in database design and implementation. In such instances, communication between data administration and database development is within the group. In other organizations, database development is not part of data administration, and communication is between groups.

Computer operations

The focus of computer operations is on the physical hardware, procedures, schedules and shifts, staff assignments, physical security of data, and execution of programs. Data administration responsibilities include establishing and monitoring procedures for operating the database. The data administration staff needs to establish and communicate database backup, recovery, and archiving procedures to computer operations. Also, the scheduling of new database and application installations needs to be coordinated with computer operations personnel.

Computer operations provide data administration with operational statistics and exception reports. These data are used by data administration to ensure that corporate database objectives are being fulfilled.


The diverse parties with which data administration communicates often see things differently. This can lead to misunderstandings and results in systems that fail to meet requirements. Part of the problem arises from a difference in perspective and approaches to viewing database technology.

Management is interested in understanding how implementing database technology will contribute to strategic goals. In contrast, clients are interested in how the proposed database and accompanying applications will affect their daily work. Developers are concerned with translating management and client needs into conceptual models and converting these into tables and applications. Operations staff are concerned primarily with efficient daily management of DBMS, computer hardware, and software.

Data models can serve as a common language for bridging the varying goals of clients, developers, management, and operational staff. A data model can reduce the ambiguity inherent in verbal communications and thereby ensure that overall needs are more closely met and all parties are satisfied with the results. A data model provides a common meeting point and language for understanding the needs of each group.

Data administration does not work in isolation. It must communicate successfully with all its constituents in order to be successful. The capacity to understand and correctly translate the needs of each stakeholder group is the key to competent data administration.

Data administration tools

Several computer-based tools have emerged to support data administration. There are five major classes of tools: data dictionary, DBMS, performance monitoring, computer-aided software engineering (CASE), and groupware tools. Each of these tools is now examined and its role in supporting data administration considered. We focus on how these tools support the DDLC. Note, however, that groupware is not shown in the following table because it is useful in all phases of the life cycle.

Data administration tool use during the DDLC

Database development phase Data DBMS Performance monitoring Case tools
1 Project planning tools Dictionary (DD) Estimation
2 Requirements definition Document & design aid Document & design aid
3 Database design Document, data map design aid & schema generator Document, design aid & data map
4 Database testing Data map design aid & schema generator Define, create, test & data integrity Impact analysis Data generator & design aid
5 Database implementation Document & change control Data integrity, implement & design Monitor & tune
6 Database usage Document, data map, schema generator & change control Provide tools for retrieval and update & enforce integrity controls and procedures Monitor & tune
7 Database evolution Document, data map & change control Redefine Impact analysis

Data administration staff, clients, and computer operations all require information about organizational databases. Ideally, such information should be stored in one central repository. This is the role of the DD/DS, perhaps the main data administration tool. Thus, we start our discussion with this tool.

Data dictionary/directory system (DD/DS)

The DD/DS, a database application that manages the data dictionary, is an essential tool for data administration. The DD/DS is the repository for organizational metadata, such as data definitions, relationships, and privileges. The DBMS manages data, and the DD/DS manages data about data. The DD/DS also uses the data dictionary to generate table definitions or schema required by the DBMS and application programs to access databases.

Clients and data administration can utilize the DD/DS to ask questions about characteristics of data stored in organizational databases such as

  • What are the names of all tables for which the user Todd has delete privileges?
  • Where does the data item customer number appear or where is it used?

The report for the second query could include the names and tables, transactions, reports, display screens, account names, and application programs.

In some systems, such as a relational DBMS, the catalog, discussed in the SQL chapter, performs some of the functions of a DD/DS, although the catalog does not contain the same level of detail. The catalog essentially contains data about tables, columns, and owners of tables, whereas the DD/DS can include data about applications, forms, transactions, and many other aspects of the system. Consequently, a DD/DS is of greater value to data administration.

Although there is no standard format for data stored in a data dictionary, several features are common across systems. For example, a data dictionary for a typical relational database environment would contain descriptions of the following:

  • All columns that are defined in all tables of all databases. The data dictionary stores specific data characteristics such as name, data type, display format, internal storage format, validation rules, and integrity constraints. It indicates to which table a column belongs.
  • All relationships among data elements, what elements are involved, and characteristics of relationships, such as cardinality and degree.
  • All defined databases, including who created each database, the date of creation, and where the database is located.
  • All tables defined in all databases. The data dictionary is likely to store details of who created the table, the date of creation, primary key, and the number of columns.
  • All indexes defined for each of the database tables. For each of the indexes, the DBMS stores data such as the index name, location, specific index characteristics, and creation date.
  • All clients and their access authorizations for various databases.
  • All programs that access the database, including screen formats, report formats, application programs, and SQL queries.

A data dictionary can be useful for both systems and project level data administration activities. The five major uses of a data dictionary are the following:

  1. Documentation support: recording, classifying, and reporting metadata.
  2. Data maps: a map of available data for data administration staff and users. A data map allows users to discover what data exist, what they mean, where they are stored, and how they are accessed.
  3. Design aid: documenting the relationships between data entities and performing impact analysis.
  4. Schema generation: automatic generation of data definition statements needed by software systems such as the DBMS and application programs.
  5. Change control: setting and enforcing standards, evaluating the impact of proposed changes, and implementing amendments, such as adding new data items.

Database management systems (DBMSs)

The DBMS is the primary tool for maintaining database integrity and making data available to users. Availability means making data accessible to whoever needs them, when and where they need them, and in a meaningful form. Maintaining database integrity implies the implementation of control procedures to achieve the three goals discussed in a prior chapter: protecting existence, maintaining quality, and ensuring confidentiality. In terms of the DDLC life cycle (see the following figure), data administration uses, or helps others to use, the DBMS to create and test new databases, define data integrity controls, modify existing database definitions, and provide tools for clients to retrieve and update databases. Since much of this book has been devoted to DBMS functions, we limit our discussion to reviewing its role as a data administration tool.

Performance monitoring tools

Monitoring the performance of DBMS and database operations by gathering usage statistics is essential to improving performance, enhancing availability, and promoting database evolution. Monitoring tools are used to collect statistics and improve database performance during the implementation and use stages of the DDLC. Monitoring tools can also be used to collect data to evaluate design choices during testing.

Many database factors can be monitored and a variety of statistics gathered. Monitoring growth in the number of rows in each table can reveal trends that are helpful in projecting future needs for physical storage space. Database access patterns can be scrutinized to record data such as:

  • Type of function requested: query, insert, update, or delete
  • Response time (elapsed time from query to response)
  • Number of disk accesses
  • Identification of client
  • Identification of error conditions

The observed patterns help to determine performance enhancements. For example, these statistics could be used to determine which tables or files should be indexed. Since gathering statistics can result in some degradation of overall performance, it should be possible to turn the monitoring function on or off with regard to selected statistics.

CASE tools

A CASE tool, as broadly defined, provides automated assistance for systems development, maintenance, and project management activities. Data administration may use project management tools to coordinate all phases within the DDLC. The dictionary provided by CASE systems can be used to supplement the DD/DS, especially where the database development effort is part of a systems development project.

One of the most important components of a CASE tool is an extensive dictionary that tracks all objects created by systems designers. Database and application developers can use the CASE dictionary to store descriptions of data elements, application processes, screens, reports, and other relevant information. Thus, during the first three phases of the life cycle, the CASE dictionary performs functions similar to a DD/DS. During stages 4 and 5, data from the CASE dictionary would be transferred, usually automatically, to the DD/DS.


Groupware can be applied by data administration to support any of the DDLC phases shown in the figure. Groupware supports communication among people and thus enhances access to organizational memory residing within humans. As pointed out, data administration interfaces with four major groups during the DDLC: management, clients, developers, and computer operations. Groupware supports interactions with all of these groups.

Data administration is a complex task involving a variety of technologies and the need to interact with, and satisfy the needs of, a diverse range of clients. Managing such a complex environment demands the use of computer-based tools, which make data administration more manageable and effective. Software tools, such as CASE and groupware, can improve data administration.

Data integration

A common problem for many organizations is a lack of data integration, which can manifest in a number of ways:

  • Different identifiers for the same instance of an entity (e.g., the same product with different codes in different divisions)
  • The same, or what should be the same, data stored in multiple systems (e.g., a customer’s name and address)
  • Data for, or related to, a key entity stored in different databases (e.g., a customer’s transaction history and profile stored in different databases)
  • Different rules for computing the same business indicator (e.g., the Australian office computes net profit differently from the U.S. office)

In the following table, we see an example of a firm that practices data integration. Different divisions use the same numbers for parts, the same identifiers for customers, and have a common definition of sales date. In contrast, the table after that shows the case of a firm where there is a lack of data integration. The different divisions have different identifiers for the same part and different codes for the same customer, as well as different definitions for the sales date. Imagine the problems this nonintegrated firm would have in trying to determine how much it sold to each of its customers in the last six months.

Firm with data integration

Red division Blue division
partnumber (code for green widget) 27 27
customerid (code for UPS) 53 53
Definition of salesdate The date the customer signs the order The date the customer signs the order

Firm without data integration

Red division Blue division
partnumber (code for green widget) 27 10056
customerid (code for UPS) 53 613
Definition of salesdate The date the customer signs the order The date the customer receives the order

Skill builder

Complete the data integration lab exercise described on the book’s Web site (Lab exercises > Data integration).

Not surprisingly, many organizations seek to increase their degree of data integration so that they can improve the accuracy of managerial reporting, reduce the cost of managing data, and improve customer service by having a single view of the customer.

There are several goals of data integration:

  1. A standard meaning for all data elements within the organization (e.g., customer acquisition date is the date on which the customer first purchased a product)
  2. A standard format for each and every data element (e.g., all dates are stored in the format yyyymmdd and reported in the format yyyy-mm-dd)
  3. A standard coding system (e.g., female is coded “f” and male is coded “m”)
  4. A standard measurement system (e.g., all measurements are stored in metric format and reported in the client’s preferred system)
  5. A single corporate data model, or a least a single data model for each major business entity

These are challenging goals for many organizations and sometimes take years to achieve. Many organizations are still striving to achieve the fifth, and most difficult, goal of a single corporate data model. Sometimes, however, data integration might not be a goal worth pursuing if the costs outweigh the benefits.

The two major factors that determine the desirable degree of data integration between organizational units are unit interdependence and environmental turbulence. There is a high level of interdependence between organizational units when they affect each other’s success (for example, the output of one unit is used by the other). As a result of the commonality of some of their goals, these units will gain from sharing standardized information. Data integration will make it easier for them to coordinate their activities and manage their operations. Essentially, data integration means that they will speak a common information language. When there is low interdependence between two organizational units, the gains from data integration are usually outweighed by the bureaucratic costs and delays of trying to enforce standards. If two units have different approaches to marketing and manufacturing, then a high level of data integration is unlikely to be beneficial. They gain little from sharing data because they have so little in common.

When organizational units operate in highly turbulent environments, they need flexibility to be able to handle rapid change. They will often need to change their information systems quickly to respond to new competitive challenges. Forcing such units to comply with organizational data integration standards will slow down their ability to create new systems and thus threaten their ability to respond in a timely fashion.

Firms have three basic data integration strategies based on the level of organizational unit interdependence and environmental turbulence. When unit interdependence is low and environmental turbulence high, a unit should settle for a low level of data integration, such as common financial reporting and human resources systems. Moderate data integration might mean going beyond the standard financial reporting and human resources system to include a common customer database. If unit independence is high and turbulence high, then moderate data integration would further extend to those areas where the units overlap (e.g., if they share a manufacturing system, this would be a target for data integration). A high level of data integration, a desirable target when unit interdependence is high and environmental turbulence low, means targeting common systems for both units.

Target level of data integration between organizational units

Unit interdependence
Low High
Environmental turbulence High Low Moderate
Low Moderate High

Skill builder

  1. Global Electronics has nine factories in the United States and Asia producing components for the computer industry, and each has its own information systems. Although there is some specialization, production of any item can be moved to another factory, if required. What level of data integration should the company seek, and what systems should be targeted for integration?

  2. European Radio, the owner of 15 FM radio stations throughout Europe, has just purchased an electronics retailing chain of 50 stores in Brazil. What level of data integration should the company seek, and what systems should be targeted for integration?

  3. Australian Leather operates several tanneries in Thailand, two leather goods manufacturing plants in Vietnam, and a chain of
    leather retailers in Australia and New Zealand. Recently, it purchased an entertainment park in Singapore. The various units have been assembled over the last five years, and many still operate their original information systems. What level of data integration should the company seek, and what systems should be targeted for integration?


Data administration has become increasingly important for most organizations, particularly for those for whom data-driven decision making can significantly enhance performance. The emergence of the Chief Data Officer is a strong indicator of the growing impact of data on the ability of an organization to fulfill its mission. For many organizations, it is no longer sufficient to just focus on administering data. Rather, it is now critical for many to insert to insert data management and exploitation into the strategic thinking of the top management team.


Companies are finding that data management is so critical to their future that they need a Chief Data Officer (CDO). Eight different types of CDO roles have been identified: coordinator, reporter, architect, ambassador, analyst, marketer, developer, and experimenter. In practice, a CDO is likely to shift among these roles depending on the enterprise’s needs.

Data administration is the task of managing that part of organizational memory that involves electronically available data. Managing electronic data stores is important because key organizational decisions are based on data drawn from them, and it is necessary to ensure that reliable data are available when needed. Data administration is carried out at both the system level, which involves overall policies and alignment with organizational goals, and the project level, where the specific details of each database are handled. Key modules in data administration are the DBMS, the DD/DS, user interfaces, and external databases.

Data administration is a function performed by those with assigned organizational roles. Data administration may be carried out by a variety of persons either within the IS department or in user departments. Also, this function may occur at the personal, workgroup, or organizational level.

Data administration involves communication with management, clients, developers, and computer operations staff. It needs the cooperation of all four groups to perform its functions effectively. Since each group may hold very different perspectives, which could lead to conflicts and misunderstandings, it is important for data administration staff to possess superior communication skills. Successful data administration requires a combination of interpersonal, technical, and business skills.

Data administration is complex, and its success partly depends on a range of computer-based tools. Available tools include DD/DS, DBMS, performance monitoring tools, CASE tools, and groupware.

Key terms and concepts

Application development life cycle (ADLC) Database management system (DBMS)
Benchmark External database
Change agent Groupware
Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) Matrix organization
Data administration Performance monitoring
Data dictionary Project-level data administration
Data dictionary/directory system (DD/DS) Request for proposal (RFP)
Data integrity System-level data administration
Data steward Systems development life cycle (SDLC)
Database administrator Transaction Processing Council (TPC)
Database developer User interface
Database development life cycle (DDLC)

References and additional readings

Bostrom, R. P. 1989. Successful application of communication techniques to improve the systems development process. Information & Management 16:279–295.

Goodhue, D. L., J. A. Quillard, and J. F. Rockart. 1988. Managing the data resource: A contingency perspective. MIS Quarterly 12 (3):373–391.

Goodhue, D. L., M. D. Wybo, and L. J. Kirsch. 1992. The impact of data integration on the costs and benefits of information systems. MIS Quarterly 16 (3):293–311.

Redman, T. C. 2001. Data quality: The field guide. Boston: Digital Press.


  1. Why do organizations need to manage data?

  2. What problems can arise because of poor data administration?

  3. What is the purpose of a data dictionary?

  4. Do you think a data dictionary should be part of a DBMS or a separate package?

  5. How does the management of external databases differ from internal databases?

  6. What is the difference between system- and project-level data administration?

  7. What is a data steward? What is the purpose of this role?

  8. What is the difference between workgroups and organizational databases? What are the implications for data administration?

  9. What is an information architecture?

  10. Why do organizations need data standards? Give some examples of typical data items that may require standardization.

  11. You have been asked to advise a firm on the capacity of its database system. Describe the procedures you would use to estimate the size of the database and the number of transactions per second it will have to handle.

  12. Why would a company issue an RFP?

  13. How do the roles of database developer and data administrator differ?

  14. What do you think is the most critical task for the user during database development?

  15. A medium-sized manufacturing company is about to establish a data administration group within the IS department. What software tools would you recommend that group acquire?

  16. What is a stakeholder? Why should stakeholders be involved in database project planning?

  17. What support do CASE tools provide for the DDLC?

  18. How can groupware support the DDLC?

  19. A large international corporation has typically operated in a very decentralized manner with regional managers having considerable autonomy. How would you recommend the corporation establish its data administration function?

  20. Describe the personality of a successful data administration manager. Compare your assessment to the personality appropriate for a database technical adviser.

  21. Write a job advertisement for a data administrator for your university.

  22. What types of organizations are likely to have data administration reporting directly to the CIO?

  23. What do you think are the most critical phases of the DDLC? Justify your decision.

  24. When might application development and database development proceed independently?

  25. Why is database monitoring important? What data would you ask for in a database monitoring report?

  1. This section is based on Lee, Y., Madnick, S., Wang, R., Forea, W., & Zhang, H. (2014). A cubic framework for the Chief Data Officer (CDO): Succeeding in a world of Big Data emergence of Chief Data Officers. MISQ Executive.↩︎

  2. For more on information architecture, see Smith, H. A., Watson, R. T., & Sullivan, P. (2012). Delivering Effective Enterprise Architecture at Chubb Insurance. MISQ Executive. 11(2)↩︎