

17 - Text Mining
Slide Exercises

Run the following code and comment on how sensitive sentiment analysis is to the n.before and n.after parameters
sample = c("You're not crazy and I love you very much.")
y <-  sentiment(sample, n.before = 4, n.after=2, amplifier.weight=1)
y <- sentiment(sample, n.before = Inf, n.after=Inf, amplifier.weight=1)
The computed values for mean sentiment can vary considerably based on the choice of n.before and n.after. This might be more noticeable for a small text file than a larger one.

Create a corpus of Warren Buffet’s letters for the 2008-2010 letters.

#set up a data frame to hold up to 5 letters 
df <-  data.frame(num=5)
begin <-  2008 # letters in the range 2008-2012 
i <-  begin
# read the letters
while (i < 2013) {   
	y <- as.character(i)
	# create the file name    
	f <- str_c('',y, 'ltr.txt',sep='')
	# read the letter as on large string
	d <-  readChar(f,nchars=1e6)
	# add letter to the data frame
	df[i-begin+1,] <-  d   
	i <-  i + 1 
# create the corpus
letters <-  Corpus(DataframeSource(, encoding = "UTF-8"))  

What is the Flesch-Kincaid score for the 2010 letter?

#tokenize the first letter in the corpus
tagged.text <- tokenize(letters[[3]], format="obj",lang="en")
# score
readability(tagged.text, "Flesch.Kincaid", hyphen=NULL,force.lang="en")

Create a term-document matrix and find the words occurring more than 150 times in the letters for 2008-2102. Do appropriate preprocessing.

# convert to lower
clean.letters <-  tm_map(letters,tolower)
# remove punctuation
clean.letters <-  tm_map(clean.letters,removePunctuation)
# remove numbers
clean.letters <-  tm_map(clean.letters,removeNumbers)
# remove stop words 
clean.letters <-  tm_map(clean.letters,removeWords,stopwords('SMART'))
# strip extra white space
clean.letters <-  tm_map(clean.letters,stripWhitespace)
# stem the document -- takes a while to run
stem.letters <- tm_map(clean.letters,stemDocument, language = "english")
# stem completion -- takes a while to run
stem.letters <- tm_map(stem.letters,stemCompletion, dictionary=clean.letters) # create term document matrix -- one row for each term and one column for each document tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(clean.letters,control = list(minWordLength=3)) dim(tdm) findFreqTerms(tdm, lowfreq = 150,highfreq = Inf)

Report the frequency of the 20 most frequent words. Do several runs to identify words that should be removed from the top 20 and remove them.

# Create a term document matrix
tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(stem.letters)
# convert term document matrix to a regular matrix to get frequencies of words
m <- as.matrix(tdm)
# sort on frequency of terms to get frequencies of words
v <- sort(rowSums(m), decreasing=TRUE)
# display the 20 most frequent words
v[1:20] # continue the process by removing words

Produce a word cloud for the words identified in the prior exercise.

# select the color palette
pal = brewer.pal(5,"Accent")
# generate the cloud based on the 30 most frequent words
wordcloud(d$word, d$freq, min.freq=d$freq[30],colors=pal)

Select a word and compute its association with other words in the Buffett letters corpus. Adjust the correlation coefficient to get about 10 words

# compute the associations
findAssocs(tdm, "insurance",0.90)

Review the documentation of the hclust function in the stats package and try one or two other clustering techniques.

# setup the document term matrix
tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(clean.letters)
# name the columns for the letter's year
colnames(tdm) <- 2008:2012
# Remove sparse terms
tdm1 <- removeSparseTerms(tdm, 0.5)
# transpose the matrix
tdmtranspose <- t(tdm1)
cluster = hclust(dist(tdmtranspose),method='centroid')
# get the clustering data
dend <- as.dendrogram(cluster)
# plot the tree

This page is part of the promotional and support material for Data Management (open edition) by Richard T. Watson
For questions and comments please contact the author

Date revised: 02-Dec-2022